Occupational and Physical Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy (OT/PT) are services provided to students with disabilities in order to enable them to access their curriculum and benefit from their special education services. OT and PT are provided as a direct or indirect service through a continuum of services utilizing a collaborative, integrated approach that may include, but is not limited to the following:


    • Direct support for the student to access educational activities and the school environment
    • Collaborating with the members of the team to develop and implement strategies and modifications that support a student's individualized goals and objectives
    • Assessing the student's educational need for modification of environment, educationally relevant equipment, technology, and assistive devices
    • Education of the teachers, family members and others about the impacts of disability on educational performance, and the potential benefits of adaptations or accommodations
    • Modeling and training classroom staff, students and parents on how to implement educationally relevant therapeutic strategies and use adapted equipment, assistive technology, and devices 
    • Liaison with medical professionals


    For more information about our OT/PT programs contact:

    Coordinator, Occupational and Physical Therapy
    727-793-2717 ext. 2070
    Jody Becker, MA, OT/L