Frequently Asked Questions

  • ** How do I receive a copy of my child's transcript?
    Contact the Data Management Technician at your child's school.

    ** How do I receive a fee waiver for the college admissions test?
    You must be eligible for free or reduced lunch. If you meet this requirement contact your child's school counselor.

    ** How will my child be assigned a school counselor?
    At the secondary level, students are assigned by grade level, alphabetically, or by small learning communities.

    ** Who should I talk to if I am concerned about a grade my child has received?
    You should first contact the teacher to determine how the grade was calculated. If you still have concerns, contact your child's grade level administrator.

    ** How do I arrange counseling services for my child?
    Contact your child's school counselor. They can explain what services are available at the school or give you referrals to community resources.

    ** How do I register my child for school?
    School assignment and registration information is available on the Pinellas County Schools website at .

    ** How do I set up a parent conference?
    For elementary students, parents should contact the teacher to arrange a conference. For middle and high school students, parents should contact the individual teacher.  If you wish to meet with all of your child's teachers then contact your child's school counselor.

    **Can I request a progress report between grading periods?
    Parents should contact their child's teacher. Parents of middle and high school students can also find this information on "Parent Portal".

    ** How can I volunteer at my child's school?
    Contact the Family and Community Liason at your child's school.

    ** How can I find out about scholarships and financial aid for my child?
    You can obtain scholarship and financial aid information through the resources link on the guidance department homepage, or the Scholarships & Financial Aid section of the Pinellas County Schools website:

    ** Who should I contact to discuss a schedule change for my child?
    For middle and high school schedule changes, contact your child's school counselor.  For elementary teacher change requests, contact your school administrator.

    **How can I determine if my child is meeting all graduation requirements?
    You can check the Graduation Requirements link on the Guidance page of the Pinellas County Schools website:

    ** My child wishes to drop out of school,what are my options?
    Your child's counselor can provide information on other diploma options. You can also contact your child's grade level administrator.

    ** My child is being bullied at school, who can I talk to?
    You should contact your child's school counselor, School Resource Officer, or the Violence Prevention Specialist at the middle schools. You can also report incidents of bullying through our county website at:

    ** How can I make arrangements to home school my child?
    You must register with the Home Schooling office at 588-5199.

    ** How do I register my child for ACT/SAT?
    You can obtain registration materials in the high school counseling office or go online to or

    ** Will my elementary child be retained if they do not pass the FSA?
    3rd grade students must obtain a level 2 on their reading FSA to be promoted to fourth grade. Students who receive a level 1 may be promoted by completing specific requirements on the third grade portfolio for more information contact your child's classroom teacher.

    ** Who do I contact if I want my child evaluated for gifted, learning disabilities, etc.?
    If your child is in elementary, you should first consult the classroom teacher regarding your concerns. The school counselor can also give you information on the process for having your child considered for an evaluation. In middle and high school, you can call your child's school counselor for assistance.