• Maximo Parent Information

    Parents can learn more about Maximo Elementary and have their questions answered here. Information about the school and its policies is below.

    Don’t see what you’re looking for? Don’t worry! You may find it under the links on the left menu to learn about Maximo Elementary’s news, events, and volunteer opportunities for parents. You can even take a virtual tour of the school.Alternatively Alternatively, you can send us your question, and we’ll get back to you during school hours.

    School HoursSchool hours are 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Before-school supervision will begin at 7:45 a.m. On days of severe weather, the children will be allowed into the building upon arrival. No student should arrive on campus before 7:45 a.m. Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. must report to the office for a tardy pass. After school, all students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Before - and after-school care is available through the Y program for those who need extended care.

    Absences: Regular attendance and promptness are important life skills. Please encourage these positive behaviors from your child. A child who is absent from school must present, upon return, a written excuse signed by the parent or physician. The note should explain the reason for the absence and the date. Excused absences are for sickness, death in the family, or certain religious holidays.

    Tardy Policy: Students are expected to arrive at school and be in the classroom ready to work by 8:15 a.m. Students will be marked tardy after the final bell rings and must first report to the office.  According to District attendance policy, every 3 tardies counts as 1 unexcused absence. Students with excessive absences and/or tardies will receive a referral to the Child Study Team and the parent or guardian will be required to meet with the principal and school social worker.

    Bus PoliciesRiding the bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the bus will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Pinellas County Student Code of Conduct. Students who are not entitled to bus transportation will not be given permission to ride a bus for any temporary or extenuating circumstances.

    HomeworkHomework will be one of the methods used for reinforcing academic skills taught, for encouraging independent study, for establishing good work habits, and for building self-discipline. Students in Grades 1–5 will use an agenda book to support increased organization. It is required that parents initial all homework assignments to indicate homework completion, all progress reports, and applicable assignment sheets. These processes will increase school/parent communication by indicating to the parents what the student is studying in class.

    Reporting Student ProgressKindergarten report cards will be issued twice during the year; Grades 1–5 will receive 3 progress reports. Students experiencing difficulties will receive a mid-period progress report.

    Honor Roll: Students in Grades 3–5 who receive no grade lower than a B in the academic subjects and also achieve all E or S grades for conduct, work habits, physical education, art, and music shall have their names entered on the Honor Roll.

    Principal’s List: Students in Grades 3–5 who receive an A in all academic subjects and also achieve E or S grades for conduct, work habits, physical education, art, and music shall have their names entered on the Principal’s List. 

    Parent-Teacher Conferences A conference between the school staff and parents is one of the best ways of communicating about a child’s academic progress. Parents may request a Parent-Teacher Conference with their child’s teacher as the need arises. Please request conferences in writing. Notes, phone calls, and progress reports may be initiated by the teacher or by the parent whenever necessary.

    Communication with Parents: A school newsletter is sent home the first Friday of each month. A copy of the newsletter will be placed on the school’s Web site. Read Maximo Elementary Newsletters here.

    Maximo Elementary Dress CodeRead about Maximo Elementary Uniforms here. School Uniforms

    School DisciplineThe Pinellas County School Board has adopted a Code of Student Conduct as a policy. Copies of the conduct booklet will be distributed to each student. Parents are asked to discuss the Code of Student Conduct Policies with their child and sign the acknowledgement page and return that page to the school.

    Breakfast and LunchBreakfast and lunch are free for all Maximo students.  Students must arrive by 8:15 to receive breakfast.  Students may bring box lunches. Parents may join their child any day for lunch and breakfast.

    Inappropriate Items for Lunch: Soft drinks, fast-food items, cans with metal tabs, candy, gum, or snack bags larger than individual.

    Medication: Florida state law requires that all medications administered to students by school personnel be counted upon arrival at the school. This will improve the accountability for your child’s medication at the school and ensure your child is properly receiving medication(s) prescribed by his/her physician.

    Prescription medications: Prescription medications must be delivered to school by the parent in the original container with a prescription label indicating the student’s name, the physician’s name, the name of the drug, the dosage, etc. Parents must sign an Administration of Medication form for each prescription medication administered at school. Telephone permission for “forgotten” morning medication is not allowed—written permission is required.

    Over-the-counter medications: OTC medications must also be delivered to school by the parent in the original container labeled with the student’s name. The parent and physician must sign an Administration of Medication form for each over-the-counter medication at school—including Tylenol, cough drops, cough syrup, etc.

    Clinic: The school clinic will be open to students that become ill during the day. Our expectation is that students are either in class or at home. If a student remains ill or has been injured, parents will be called and expected to pick up their child. School Board Policy requires that an emergency number be provided for this purpose. It is not necessary to call the school when your child is sick, unless the absence will extend beyond three days.

    Physical Education Exemptions: Participation in P.E. is required by all students. However, if there is a medical reason for a student not to participate in the program, this condition must be reported to the school by a note. If the period of time is to be extended beyond three days, a physician’s note is required.

    Lost and FoundAll items found should be delivered to the school office. If your child loses an item, inquiry should be made promptly. Parents are urged to mark each garment or article to make identification easier. Lunch boxes, should be well marked with the child’s name on the lunch box itself as well as on the Thermos.

    Visitors: If you wish to visit the school or classroom, please contact the school at least 24 hours in advance. Upon your arrival you are required to sign in at the front office and produce your driver's license or government  issued photo ID. This is our opportunity to greet you, give you a visitor’s ID tag, and explain our policies and procedures.

    Student Accident InsuranceHSR (Health Special Risk) is the new Student Accident Insurance carrier for the 2018-2019 school year. Click here for more information or to sign up.