• Safety Patrol Program
    safety Patrol Pin

    Safety Patrols are a select group  of Fifth Graders that are committed to providing a safe school environment for all students at Brooker Creek Elementary. Patrol membership is an honored position.  Being a patrol is a lot of work and a BIG responsibility.  Safety Patrol participation offers students an early opportunity to serve as a school volunteer. It is an organization that promotes:







    Patrol Expectations:

    • Be at your post on time every day. 
    • Before school at 8:20, or when your bus arrives.  
    • After school until 3:10, or when your bus leaves.  
    • Have no frequent tardies or absences.
    • Wear your safety patrol belt every day.
    • Watch to be sure the students are walking and are making good choices.
    • Notify Ms. Miller of students not following the rules.
    • If you are in a kindergarten room follow the teacher directions.
    • Positive behavior is expected in your classroom and all around campus. Any behavior problems may result in time off from patrols or removal from patrols.
    • Maintain grades of  C or better throughout the whole year.
    • Maintain a conduct grade of  E or V.
    • The captain will be checking every post every morning and after school to see if you are on duty, wearing your belt and being alert (tell your friends you will talk to them later). 
    • If you are not in compliance you will receive a warning. Upon your 3rd warning you will not be allowed at your post for 3 days
     safety Patrol  Brooker Creek Safety Patrol membership is an honor and a privilege. Safety Patrol is a job of commitment and service to your school throughout the year. Patrols must display leadership qualities and be responsible. They will assist with morning student drop-off and afternoon dismissal. Patrol duties will include opening/closing doors, being courteous to adults and children, assisting students in the halls and walkways, displaying and taking care of the United States Flag and monitoring appropriate student behavior in the hallways before and after school.  Whether patrols are on-duty or off-duty, they should observe the school rules and set a good example for fellow Brooker Creek Bobcats.


    Mrs. Miller  millerc@pcsb.org