School Policies



    Parents should contact the grade level office clerk on the morning of the student’s absence.  Written notification should be provided to the appropriate grad level office clerk within 48 hours of the absence.  Written notification will include:


    • Legal name
    • Reason for absence
    • Parent phone number
    • Parent signature
    • Date of absence


    Students, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Handbook, which lists the reasons for excused and unexcused absences.

    Unexcused absences can have a direct effect on your academics as well. If a parent or guardian does not write a note to report the absence within 48 hours, the absence will be marked as unexcused.

    Out of town trips should be approved by the grade level administrator one week in advance. Teachers are not required to give work in advance; however, the student will be able to make up missed assignments.



    Students should not arrive on campus prior to 9:00 a.m.  Once arriving, students are not permitted to leave campus. The welcome bell rings at 9:15 when students may enter the building for breakfast. Sixth grade students not reporting to breakfast will report to the gym. Seventh and eighth grade students not eating breakfast will report to the outside area behind the gym.

    Parents who need to drop off their child or children prior to 9:00 can request information regarding our before school care program by contacting 21st Century Learning/R ’Club at 813-325-1658.



    Each student is expected to be in class, on time every day. Good attendance is essential for progress in school. Repeated tardies will result in a disciplinary consequence. Students more than five minutes tardy without a valid pass will be considered skipping. Students out of their assigned area without a valid pass will be considered skipping



    Backpacks with wheels are prohibited. This is a safety issue because of narrow hallways and the possibility of student tripping over the backpacks.



    Students may ride bicycles, skateboards, and razor scooters to school and park them in the bike cage on the west side. Helmets are required by law and students who break the law may be ticketed by local law enforcement. Students must walk their bicycles, skateboards, and razor scooters once they arrive on campus as well as well as when they are departing. Hoverboards are not permitted on campus.



    Pinellas County Schools is now offering universal free breakfast to ALL students. No paperwork is required. Breakfast will be served until 9:15 A.M. daily.



    All school rules apply on the bus and at the bus stop. All bus riders must ride their assigned bus and get on and off the bus at their designated area. Students are expected to follow the rules provided by the bus driver. Bus drivers will determine permissible carry-on items and food and beverages are not allowed on the bus. If a student is suspended from the bus for misbehavior, the parent is responsible for providing transportation. Students are not permitted to ride any Pinellas County school bus during a suspension.


    A student may possess a cellular phone, electronic communication device (ECD), and other electronic devices in school, on school property, at school-related functions, provided these items are powered off and concealed from school while school is in session.


    • The School Board is not responsible for preventing theft, loss, damage, or vandalism to cellular phones or other electronic device brought onto school property, including electronic devices confiscated due to inappropriate use.



    Please report any change of address or telephone numbers during the school year, logging into  and click the Student Reservation System button on the home page and log in with your User ID and Password. Click on Change of Residence Address link and follow the steps. A parent must provide proof of address change to the front office. Parents should list at least one emergency number for the school.



    A conference may be scheduled by contacting your grade level guidance counselor or working directly with the teachers. The school’s number is 727-547-4526.



    Students are expected to leave immediately after school at 4:10 p.m.  Students staying on campus for activities must arrange for prompt pick-up. Once students leave campus, they are not allowed to return.



    The dress and grooming of Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School students shall be neat and clean, promoting a positive educational environment. Apparel that disrupts educational activities and processes of our school will result in the removal of the student from the regular school environment until acceptable apparel can be secured.

    Requirement for student dress:

    • All shirts and blouses must cover midriff, back, sides, and all undergarments including bra straps.
    • All shirts and tops shall have sleeves that extend beyond the shoulders.
    • All shorts, skirts, divided skirts, dresses, and culottes must be mid-thigh length or longer.
    • All pants or shorts must totally cover undergarments, including boxer shorts.
    • All clothing, jewelry, or tattoos shall be free of the following: profanity, violent images, wording or suggestion; sexually suggestive phrases or images; gang-related symbols; alcohol, tobacco, drugs or advertisements for such products.
    • Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn. Inappropriate footwear includes, but is not limited to, roller skates, skate shoes, and bedroom slippers.
    • Form fitting leotard/spandex type clothing (including sport bras) is not allowed unless proper outer garments extend below the students’ fingertips when arms are at their sides or form fitting bottoms have zippers, buttons, or pockets.
    • Please make sure that see-through mesh fabric clothing is only worn over clothing meeting requirements.
    • Clothing must be appropriate size, with the waist of the garment worn at the student’s waist.
    • Clothing not properly buttoned, zipped, fastened, or with inappropriate holes or tears shall not be worn.
    • No sunglasses (unless doctor’s note provided), hats, bandanas, or other head coverings (except during outside P.E. activities) may be worn during the school day.



    If your student will be out for three days or more, please call to arrange for work to be gathered and held in the office for pickup.



    Gambling is not permitted on school property or while attending school-sponsored events or activities. This includes card playing, rolling dice, or any other activity construed by the school administration as gambling.


    The final grade in middle school is an annual grade determined by averaging equal value to four marking periods. Grades are assigned the following point value:

                A = 90 – 100                B = 80 – 89

                C = 70 – 79                  D = 60 – 69

                F = 0 – 59                    I = Incomplete



    All passes must be written on the blue PCS hall passes.  Passes are not permitted during the first and last ten minutes of class.  Only one student is allowed out of the room at a time on a pass.  All students must sign the hall pass log when leaving on a pass.



    Honor students are determined at the end of each grading period. Students earning all A’s in all classes are included on the Principal’s List. Students earning all A’s and B’s, and up to one C, are included on the Honor Roll. Certificates are distributed along with report cards. Students are recognized for their citizenship, leadership, and other types of school-wide and classroom positive behaviors every grading period.


    Clinic cards (2) must be completed, and returned to the school office so a parent/guardian may be contacted for emergency notification. A student who is ill or injured should request a pass to the grade level office. The parent will be contacted. Except in case of emergency, the student will return to class until the parent arrives. We do not have a supervised clinic.


    All parents will provide a written request if they wish their child to be assigned a locker. Students are not to share locker combinations with anyone, as the student assigned to the locker will be held responsible for any damages as well as the contents.



    Articles found in the school or on the campus should be submitted to the grade level office. Articles not claimed within thirty days will be donated to charity.



    Meal prices are $2.50 or the reduced price of $.40 for eligible students with current paperwork on file. Add money to your lunch account at the register in the cafeteria or online by visiting Apply for free or reduced lunch at any time during the year at



    After an absence, a student must arrange with the teacher for any make up work. Students have the same number of days they were absent to make up their work except in the instance of some long-term projects.



    Medication will be administered only after parents complete and return an approved medication card with the physician/pharmacist directions. Students are not allowed to carry or self-administer prescription medication, aspirin, cold tablets, or any other over the counter drug.



    Students and parents can keep track of assignments and grades in Portal. Teachers are required to update information at least every 10 days prior to progress reports and report cards, though many do this more frequently. Parents can obtain a username and password IN PERSON in the front office.



    All students will receive mid-term progress report each quarter.  Students will be directed to share their progress report with their families.  We encourage families to contact your students teachers if you have questions.


    21st Century Learning/R’ CLUB

    Parents can request information about our before and after school care program by contacting the R’ Club at 813-325-1658.



    Emergency evacuation drills, tornado drills, and crisis response drills are held regularly according to School Board Policy. Students are expected to participate in all crisis preparedness drills with full cooperation.



    Only authorized persons listed in students’ records will be allowed to sign a student out of the building. You must present a photo ID at all times.



    Skateboards and rollerblades are not to be used on school premises due to liability and property damage issues. Bicycles are not allowed inside the building.  Hoverboards are not permitted on campus.



    Our Phantom athletes can participate in basketball, cheerleading, volleyball, and track and field. Students are eligible to try out if they maintain a 2.0 GPA and a minimum of satisfactory in conduct, complete a physical form, and have school insurance.



    All students are provided a copy of the Code of Student Conduct, which details Pinellas County Schools’ policies concerning student behavior. It is extremely important that students and parents review and discuss the Code of Student Conduct thoroughly and carefully. All students are held accountable for information contained in this document.



    School Board Policy States: Supervision of students on school campuses is provided 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after school or 30 minutes after a school activity. Parents should not expect supervision before or after these times.



    School phones are not available for personal use by the students. Parents should be notified of plans prior to students leaving home. In an extreme emergency, students should contact their grade level office who will grant permission for the call if it is deemed an emergency.



    Per district policy, the school is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items. Students should leave expensive or sentimental items at home.


    If you would like to volunteer for any school activity, you are required to submit paperwork in advance. This includes a background check that is required by the state. Please allow several weeks for this process.



    If you are interested in volunteering at Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School, please contact our Community Relations Liaison, Ms. Barr, at 727-547-4526.