Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

  • As we enter into the second half of the 21-22 school year there are exciting things that are happening with our MTSS/PBIS at Nina Harris.

    It is a core belief that is well expressed by Ashleigh Warner: “Beneath every behavior there is a feeling.  And beneath each feeling is a need.  And when we meet that need rather than focus on the behavior, we begin to deal with the cause, not the symptom.”

    Since 2016 we have been a model school for the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) each year.  We continue to work on all areas of support so that our students can be a positive part of the school and as they graduate a positive part of the community.

    We are focusing on communication for our students as we know this is a need that if we can help them to communicate we can see less frustration in their behavior.  All staff have completed core words 12 modules, and we continue to share with parents and the community.  We have had events to help with making core words that can be sent home and will have more make and take events in the future.

    Each month we have a group of staff that meets and talks about the MTSS/PBIS programs and how we can continue to improve.  As a parent or community member we welcome your input into any needs or ideas that you may have.


    E. Kent Vermeer - Assistant Principal