Reading Tips for Parents

  • Strong parental involvement is a key component of the Just Read, Florida! initiative. Other than helping your child to grow up happy and healthy, the most important thing that you can do for them is help them develop their reading skills.

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    Summer Reading Activities


    • Plan to eat dinner as a family as often as possible this month to share educational experiences.
    • Help your child decorate a box. Put it by the door to hold homework and books.
    • Cut a comic strip apart. Have your child create a map of your home.
    • Help your child create a map of your home.
    • Help your child write and illustrate a story about a favorite animal.


    • Read a poem. Let your child guess what the next rhyming word will be.
    • Play a game after reading the directions together.
    • Choose a new recipe. Read it together and have fun making it.
    • Have your child describe a family member or friend. Guess who it is.
    • Have your children plan a fun family activity.


    • Visit a library. Get a card for your child. Check out some books.
    • Find a cozy place to read a favorite story. Have your child retell the story.
    • Cut words out of the newspaper. Arrange them on paper to make a new sentence.
    • Take a walk. Close your eyes and listen for the sounds of summer. Make a list of the sounds!
    • Have fun reading and writing with your child.


    • Share memories of a special holiday with your child.
    • When driving with your child, turn off the music and talk about the day's events.
    • Have a treasure hunt. Leave picture or word clues to follow to reach the treasure.
    • Help your child plant flower or vegetable seeds. Make a graph to chart their growth.
    • Read with your child for 15 minutes each day.


    • Read a story. Make puppets out of small paper bags. Put on a puppet show.
    • Read directions for a project. Work together to create the project.
    • Read a new book or an old favorite to your child.
    • Have your child write a note to a friend or relative. Be sure to mail it!
    • Star or initial the square for that day.


    • Take a walk. Look for signs of the season. Talk about what you see.
    • Watch a nature program on TV. Talk about what you see.
    • Start reading a story and stop before the end. Ask your child to predict the ending.
    • Start telling a familiar story. Have your child write a new ending.
    • If you skip a day then read for 30 minutes the next day and star both days.


    • Create a family tree and have your child draw the portraits of the family members.
    • Let your child see YOU reading and writing. Write a long overdue note to a friend.
    • Leave a note for your child to discover sometime during the day.
    • Have your child make a list of enjoyable things to do. Describe what makes them fun.
    • At the end of the month, sign this calendar and return it to your child's teacher in the fall.