• Azalea Elementary

    Mandatory School Uniform Policy


    · White, blue, black or hunter green

    · Polo style only (knit/cotton/performance)

    · Collared and sleeved

    · 3 to 4 buttons or no more than 7” zipper at neckline

    · No logos or contrasting colors

    · Shirts tucked in and clean


    · PTA purchased Azalea t-shirts on Friday only

    · Club t-shirts may be worn on club day and on Fridays

    Winter Wear

    · Long sleeve shirts or undershirts may be worn under uniform shirts – only white, navy blue, black or light blue

    · Winter coats allowed outside only

    · Jeans may be worn on cold weather days

    · Please label all outerwear


    · Sneakers must be worn on PE days

    · No crocs

    Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Capris, or Jumpers

    · Navy blue, black, khaki, or grey

    · No denim or jean styles

    · Leggings/spandex can be worn under shorts/skirts

    · No low rise or “hip huggers”

    · Fitted, neat, and not worn below undergarment line

    · Shorts, skirts, jumpers, and skorts must be long enough to fall below finger line






    · Solid colors ONLY – white, navy blue, black or white

    · Tights – white, tan, navy blue or black



    Head Wear

    · No hats worn inside buildings

    · No bandanas worn on heads

    · No distracting hair color (purple, green, etc. Painted hair is not allowed)



    · Belts are optional

    · If worn, they need to be black, navy blue, brown or khaki with a small buckle

    Non - Uniform Days

    Must adhere to guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct

    · Individual picture day

    · Enterprise Village

    · Fifth grade graduation

    · School approved non-uniform days


    Azalea T-shirts and sweatshirts are sold through our PTA

    Azalea Elementary has a mandatory uniform policy. All students must arrive to school in uniform every day. If the uniform policy cannot be supported by the family, please speak to someone in the front office.



    Rev. 1/2022



    Consequences for Noncompliance

     Azalea Elementary has a mandatory uniform policy. All students must arrive to school in uniform every day. If the uniform policy cannot be supported by the family, ultimately the parent should request a school without uniforms.


     First Offense: There will be a teacher/student conference as to why the student is not in uniform. A letter of notification on non-compliance will be sent home. The letter must be signed and returned to the classroom teacher.


    Second Offense: Student will be referred to the office for a uniform conference. A mandatory parent contact will be made to remind parents of the uniform requirement. A second reminder letter from the office will be sent home to be signed and returned to an administrator.


    Third Offense: Student will be referred to the office for a uniform conference. A mandatory parent contact will be made by the social worker to remind parents of the uniform requirement and to see if parents need some assistance with compliance.


    Fourth Offense: Mandatory parent conference with school leadership.


    Fifth Offense: Final parent conference to include input from the Director of School Operations to discuss an administrative transfer to school where uniforms are not required.


    Rev. 7/2016

    Current policy replaces all previous policies.