My goal is to work with the CHS community to promote a service in our classrooms, tutor our students, and assist our support staff with volunteers.  I also recruit mentors who can provide knowledge, support and informal communication relevant to their work and career or professional development in a face-to- face environment. Partners who may not have the time, but who can provide supplies or a tax- deductible donation by participating in the Mini-Grant/Adopt a Class program are always appreciated.  There is no greater investment in our future... than our children and teaching staff.  

    I look forward to meeting new volunteers and working with each of you who will be returning.  If you should have a friend or relative who may like to join in our fun, please let me know by e-mailing muscaroe@pcsb.org. Please let me know if you are no longer able to participate at CHS or would like to be removed from our e-mail list.  

    Reminder: all volunteers must ACTIVATE their profile in FOCUS before they come on campus or volunteer in any capacity; this is something that is done at the beginning of every school year.  You will need to go into the volunteer system at https://focus.pcsb.org/volunteer, enter your username and password, and answer the 10 criminal offense questions; this will activate your profile for this school year.

    If you have any questions, please contact Patti Muscaro, at muscaroe@pcsb.org