Special Assignment Requests (SARs)

  • Special Assignment Requests allow families to apply to attend a school other than their neighborhood or zoned school.  A Special Assignment Request cannot be made to a District Application Program or an Educational Alternative Services Program because a separate application process is required. 
    Please note that we need to know the number of available seats to be able to grant or offer Special Assignment Requests.  Special Assignment Requests are granted on a space-available basis using a functional capacity determination.  
    August 1, 2024 Functional Capacity
    All such assignments are valid through the highest grade level. Bus transportation is not provided for granted Special Assignment Requests. Parents must arrange to get their child to and from school safely and on time. Find out more about the district Student Assignment policy.
    Families who were granted SARs were and are contacted by email.  All other families are on a wait list.  As of August 1, 2024, over 900 SARs have been granted. 
    Parents will be contacted when and if a seat becomes available.  If you have not received an offer, you are on a wait list. 
    To apply:
    Go to the Focus Parent Portal https://focus.pcsb.org and look for the Student Reservation System tab in the left-side menu.  
    Click the link and when the page opens, click Special Assignment Request (SAR) to apply.  
    SARs will be granted when there is available space.  If there are more requests than available seats, a wait list will be created and maintained.  
    Students granted a Special Assignment Request (SAR) may remain at the assigned school through the highest grade level as long as there is capacity and all zoned students are able to attend their zoned school. 
    If there are more requests than available seats, SARs are placed on a wait list in the order in which they are received.