• Frequently Asked Questions at the Front Desk:


    Safety Harbor Middle School outside vendor policy.

    Outside Vendor Food is not allowed in the SHMS Café. If parents bring outside restaurant food/Fast Food for their child for lunch, their child only (no friends) will need to eat this lunch at the front office.

    Students are not to have food delivered by a restaurant to the school.


    May I bring in a birthday cake or cupcakes for my child’s birthday?

    a. You may have lunch or bring a treat for your child on their birthday. Only parents with level 2 clearance may eat in the cafeteria. Parents without level 2 clearance may use the front office to eat with their child.


    Can I have balloons or flowers delivered to my child for their special day?

    a. Balloons are not allowed on campus.

    b. Flowers may be kept for your child in their grade level office and they can pick them up at the end of the school day.


    Can I send cake, balloons or flowers to celebrate a teachers or staff member’s birthday?

    a. Balloons are not allowed on campus; however, flowers and cake may be delivered to the teacher’s room.


    May I eat lunch with my child?

    a. You may come eat lunch with your child any day of the week. You may eat lunch with your child on the front porch in the front office. On Fridays you may join your child in the Cafeteria for lunch only if you are level 2 cleared. 


    How do I contact my children’s teachers to set up a conference?

    a. “Focus” is your best resource to track your child’s progress and communicate with all of their teachers on a regular basis. If you desire to set up a conference with all their teachers contact their grade level counselor and they will assist in setting up a parent/teacher conference.


    How do I register for Focus?

    a. You may go to any school in Pinellas County with your photo identification and proof of address (utility bill, rental agreement, etc) to register for Focus/SIS. You will receive a password which will give you access to the Focus/SIS site.


    How can I retrieve my Focus Password if I forgot it?

    a. Bring your photo ID to the school and we can help your retrieve your password.


    My child is having trouble in a class, who should I speak with?

    a. The first step is to have a conference with your child’s teacher to see if you can help resolve any difficulties. If you have had a conference and there are still issues you should contact your child’s Assistant Principal to discuss possible next steps to resolve the issues.


    If I want to volunteer to chaperone for a field trip what do I need to do?

    a. All volunteers must complete a “Volunteer Registration form” which is available at the school. Once the form is completed a background check will be done. It takes about two weeks to complete this process for Field Trip Chaperones. See the Family and Community Liaison at the school for assistance with registration or placement as a volunteer. b. If you have registered and volunteered at a Pinellas County School in the past all you need to do is an update. Your Family and Community Liaison may assist you with this process.


    My child needs a tutor for a subject they are having trouble with how can I make that arrangement?

    a. You may contact their teacher or the Family and Community Liaison and request a tutor for your child. Also please check our extended learning program schedule.


    My child is being bullied at school, who can I speak with to get this addressed?

    a. There is a very strict policy against bullying at all Pinellas County schools. If your child is having trouble contact the Assistant Principal of his/her grade level or go to saysomething.net to file a report. 


    How do I get my child assigned for school busing?

    a. If you live outside of a two-mile radius from the school your child would be qualified for school transportation and you should receive a mailer from the Transportation Department informing you of your child’s bus stop location and time of pickup. If you did not receive this from Transportation contact the grade level secretary.


    We are having problems with the bus stop location how can I get that changed?

    a. If the problem is with other students at the bus stop, contact the assistant principal in charge of transportation at 727-724-1400. If the problem has to do with the location of the bus stop contact the transportation department at 727-587-2020.


    The bus did not show up again to pick up my child, who do I call to get this resolved?

    a. Double check to be sure that your child is at the right bus stop at the correct time. You child is required to arrive at the bus stop ten minutes prior to the scheduled bus pick up and remain there for twenty minutes after the scheduled pick up time. Call transportation at 727-587-2020 to discuss problems with your child’s bus not coming to the assigned pick up location.


    My child wants to go home with one of their school friends after school. Can they be let off at their friend’s bus stop instead of the one they are normally assigned?

    a. In most instances your child may not get off the bus at any other bus stop other than the one they are assigned. Under certain extenuating circumstances an exception to this rule may be made. Call the grade level office to discuss these circumstances with the assistant principal.


    Can I send a friend to come pick up my child for me for a doctor’s appointment?

    a. Your child will only be released to people whom you have listed on your child’s clinic card which you must turn in at the beginning of the school year. If you have an emergency call the Grade Level Secretary and they will discuss your options.


    My child has a doctor’s appointment and I need to take them out early, how can I arrange to have them ready for pick up for early dismissal?

    a. Send your child in with a note alerting the Grade Level office of what time you would like your child ready for pick up. Be sure to instruct your child to give that note to the Grade Level office secretary at the beginning of the day. Keep in mind that your child will be brought to their grade level office and held there until you arrive on campus. Once you present your photo Identification to the office staff your child will be sent to the Front Office lobby. Please arrange your timing to allow for at least 15 minutes minimum for your child to come to the Front office if you have prearranged their early dismissal with the Grade level office. No parent pickups are allowed after 3:30 pm.


    Why can’t my child be waiting in the lobby for me when I come to pick them up for a doctor’s appointment?

    a. Your child is kept in their grade level office for their security and protection. The Grade level office maintains all records for your child including their clinic card which provides the information regarding who you allow to pick up your child. The school will not release your child to anyone who is not on their clinic card.


    Why does it take so long to get my child for early dismissal?

    a. On average it takes between ten to twenty minutes to get your child for an early dismissal depending on the time of the day and where they are located on campus once you present your identification to the Front office staff. For example, if your child is in gym they may need to go to the locker room and change, go to their grade level office to check out, go to their locker to get their books… all of this takes time. We have a large campus. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to get your child to their appointment including the travel time from the school as well to get your child from their grade level office. Allow a minimum of fifteen minutes plus travel time.


    Why do they close the front gate entrance off of 1st Ave. North before school and an hour before school is dismissed?

    a. The front gates are closed about thirty minutes prior to school beginning and one hour prior to school dismissal. This is done to assist with traffic control on 1st Avenue. The City of Safety Harbor dictates the traffic control and directs the school as to how this should be handled.


    Can my child keep Advil or other over the counter medications in their locker?

    a. You child MAY NOT keep any medication of any kind on their person, in their locker or backpack. If your child has medications which must be administered during the school day daily those meds will be kept by the grade level secretary. Parents/guardians should bring them to school and personally deliver them to the grade level secretary. If your child forgot to take some medication before coming to school or if they need an aspirin or other medication on the spur of the moment you can bring it to the Front office. Your child will be called down to you and you may administer the medication to your child.


    How can I find out about various before and after school activities?

    a. Typically your child will be given information about activities during school. Please check our Facebook page and the principal’s Friday message for current activities.


    We hope this Q & A sheet helps answer some of your questions. If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or stop by the Front Desk.