
  • PARTNERSHIPS play a critical role in the success of our students and programs at Paul B. Stephens School. We have Community Partners and Star Partners . . . and both of them are extremely important. 

    COMMUNITY PARTNERS are businesses, families or individuals who donate money to assist with a variety of school program needs. Our Community Partners are  the Civitan Club, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Knox Family Foundation, Italian American Women of Today and LTC Engineering.

    STAR/CLASSROOM PARTNERS are also businesses, families or individuals who donate money for a specific classroom. Their generosity allows teachers to purchase materials and supplies for special projects and activities they might otherwise be unable to plan. 

    When you visit the school, you will see STARS on our main hallway walls. These STARS shine for partners who have donated $150 or more to our school.

    We are proud of our partnerships and continue to work to increase them. If you would like to partner with Paul B. Stephens School, please let us know. We thank you and welcome your involvement.


    wall of stars