• Northwest Elementary received the Florida’s MTSS Recognized Schools Award for the 2022-2023 school year! We are one of only 16 schools in Pinellas County who received this recognition.

    What is MTSS?

    MTSS is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports which helps us meet our students where they are. MTSS is comprised of three tiers: Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Tier 1 is universal, as in, it is provided to all students to help them succeed. Approximately 80-85% of students will be successful with only Tier 1 support. Academically, this is the instruction that students receive in their core academic classes. Teachers differentiate instruction to help reach as many students as possible. Research-based curriculum is used in the classroom to ensure quality instruction. Data from classroom quizzes and tests, supplemental programs, and standardized tests are used to make decisions about student’s needs. Students who demonstrate that they need support beyond Tier 1 are elevated to Tier 2.

    Tier 2 supports are targeted interventions to help students succeed. Tier 2 interventions are given to identified students. Academically, this includes additional evidence-based instruction in specific areas, such as reading, math, and writing. Students are monitored biweekly to determine if they are making growth. Approximately 10-15% of students will be successful with Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports. Students who are making limited or poor growth in Tier 2 are elevated to Tier 3.

    Tier 3 interventions are provided to identified students. Tier 3 interventions are specific and individualized for each learner. Students are monitored weekly or biweekly to determine if they are making growth. Approximately 3-5% of students are successful with support from Tiers 1, 2, and 3.

    How does MTSS look at Northwest Elementary?


    Tier 1: Students in grades K-5 receive 90 minutes of English Language Arts (ELA) instruction and 55 minutes of Math instruction daily. Students in grades K-2 receive 30 minutes of Science instruction and 45-50 minutes of Writing instruction daily. Students in grades 3-5 receive 45-55 minutes of Science instruction and 25-30 minutes of Writing instruction daily. Academic data is obtained from classroom quizzes and tests, supplemental programs such as I-Station (reading computer program) and Dreambox (math computer program), and standardized tests (STAR in grades K-2 and FAST in grades 3-5). This data is used by your student’s teacher and the school-based MTSS team to make determinations about student needs.

    Tier 2: Tier 2 can occur in the classroom with the student’s classroom teacher or with a trained intervention teacher. Tier 2 is usually done in small groups of 2-6 students, depending on student needs. Northwest uses a variety of evidence-based intervention programs per federal, state, and district standards.

    Tier 3: Tier 3 usually occurs with a trained intervention teacher. Tier 3 can be done individually or in small groups, depending on each student’s need. Northwest uses a variety of evidence-based intervention programs per federal, state, and district standards.


    Tier 1: The STARS Guidelines for Success are posted in a variety of locations around our campus to remind students of behavioral expectations. The guidelines are Safety first, Think like a problem solver, Aim for your goals, Respect yourself and others, and Share positive friendships. Our school uses a 10-point system in every classroom. Students can earn points throughout their school day for following expectations. Students cannot lose points once they have been earned. The expectation is 8/10 points daily. If students earn an average of 8/10 points per day for a month, they get to participate in our monthly behavior incentive! Incentives are suggested and voted on by students. Examples include stuffed animal day, water day, and a free homework pass. In addition to the 10-point system, staff members can award “Northwest Star Bucks” to students. Star Bucks are given out to students exemplifying any of the STARS expectations. Students are given the option to hold onto their Star Bucks to pick out prizes from our school store or turn them in to have a chance at having their name drawn for a prize at lunch on Fridays.

    Tier 2: Students who require additional behavioral support may be referred by their teachers, their parents, or the school-based MTSS team. Types of support vary based on the behavioral difficulties the student is experiencing. Our team monitors student behavior with data sources such as behavioral referrals and daily points.

    Tier 3: Students who require more support than Tier 1 and Tier 2 behavior supports can provide move to Tier 3. Tier 3 is the highest level of behavior support. Our School Psychologist, Behavior Specialist, School Social Worker, School Counselor, Assistant Principal, and Principal all help to support students at this Tier.

    More information about MTSS: