Antibullying and Harassment

    It is up to all of us to put an end to it!

    If you experience a bullying incident, please go to

    We Will Befriend You, We Will Defend You

    What is bullying?
    Bullying can be shoving, pushing, hitting or spitting. It can be name-calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at or excluding someone. Lately, bullying has spread to the internet. Cyber-bullying can involve writing messages or sending pictures on-line that are hurtful to another.
    Bullying can be defined as being exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students (Olweus, 1993). There are three key components to all bullying situations.

    1. There is always a power differential between the bully and the victim
    that is acquired through physical size, strength or status.

    2. There is intent to harm; the child who is bullied is put in the
    position of oppression by the child who bullies.

    3. Finally, bullying is a repeated rather than singular event.

    Who are the bullies?
    Bullies are male and female, young and old. Are you a bully? Take a quiz on Moodle to find out if you fit the profile.

    What is the faculty doing to prevent bullying?
    • First and foremost, we have to know about bullying. Teachers don’t always see it happening. Talk to you student and remind them that if they see or experience bullying to tell a teacher, principal, guidance counselor or the SRO (School Resource Officer).
    • Secondly, Click here to read a pledge the faculty of Carwise Middle school has signed. We are committed to making our school a safe place for all students.
    • Third, the faculty is charged with monitoring student behavior, helping students to identify bullying behaviors and trying to teach students what to do if they encounter it.

    What can students do to stop bullying?
    • Do NOT stand by and let someone be bullied! Stand up and say STOP!
    • Don’t be embarrassed if you have been bullied -- Tell a member of the faculty.
    • Try to walk away, if you are being bullied. Don’t get yourself in trouble by fighting back.
    • Do not take part in any bully-type behavior.
    • Try to make new friends – look for someone who really needs a friend and BEFRIEND them!
    • Even if you don’t know someone who is being bullied, DEFEND them!

    What can parents do if they suspect their child is being bullied; or if they suspect their child is a bully?
    • Teach your children that bullying is NOT O.K. It is not kids just being kids.
    • Teach your children to respect other people’s feelings.
    • Teach your children to be brave and to stand up for themselves and other students.
    • Get involved with the school and listen closely to what your student has to say.