Meet the Editors



    Angel Laclaustra

    Hello! My name is Angel Laclaustra, and I am a senior. I’m the editor-in-chief of SNN. I like journalism because I like to speak the truth and to keep myself informed about what’s happening around me. In the future, would like to study medicine and get a minor in journalism. Fun fact about me: I am also the president of the Spanish Honor Society and I’m from Mexico.

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  • Rish

    Maya Rish
    I am the Entertainment Editor. I applied for my position because I love to share my opinion about things I have an interest in, and SNN has been a great outlet for that. A fun fact about me is that I’m part Cherokee.

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    Emma Collins

    Hi! My name is Emma Collins and I’m a sophomore in high school. I’m the multimedia editor for the SNN. My job is to make videos and edit them. I love journalism because it’s about showing the truth and informing people, whether it be a photo or story. My future plans are to graduate high school and go to the School of Visual Arts in New York. A fun fact about me is I didn’t start talking until I was three - now I can’t stop running my mouth.

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  • Jade

    Jade Marks

    I am senior Jade Marks, and my goal for my final year at Lakewood High School is to do the Spartan News Network, and in turn the whole school, the justice it deserves through my position as SNN’s web editor. The most relevant and pressing stories and photos will be published on our website by my hands on a daily basis, funneling the pieces crafted by the most talented young women and men, I know to an accessible and convenient medium for anyone who takes an interest in the happenings at Lakewood. The world deserves to know how spectacular we are, and that the nickname of “Hollywood High” is anything but dead. My passion for creation will lead me to entrap stories behind the veil of paper and glass cage of a camera lens, as well, so I can be a part of the process that represents the true potential of everyone under the roof of our school.

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  • Henry

    Henry Haight
    Hi! I’m Henry Haight, your new Entertainment Editor for the SNN Newspaper. I’m currently a senior in the CAT program, so being among the leadership of the newspaper is quite the honor for me. My job includes writing and enabling others to write reviews and other such opinion pieces on popular culture. This includes movies, books, video games and music. A little about me: I have a passion for storytelling and music, I am an avid player of Dungeons & Dragons, and I am head over heels for Wes Anderson’sdirectorial style. My favorite movie is Moonrise Kingdom by Wes Anderson, my favorite song is Sanctuary by Joji, and my favorite game is Dragon Age: Origins. I am unsure as to where I’d like to go college, but hope to have a career in the future that allows me to use my public speaking skills often as it is a strength of mine.

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  • Essex

    Essex Potts

    Hello! My name is Essex Potts. I am a senior here at Lakewood, and I am also the photo editor of the Spartan News Network (SNN). My job is basically as it sounds: I gather photos, edit them if need be, and have them placed in the paper or on our website. I believe that actions speak louder than words, so when I capture a moment with my camera, I love to share the story behind it. On a side note, I’m rather shy talking to new people, but I hope that this experience as a photojournalist will help me not be so timid.

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  • Juliana
    Julianna Raymond

    My name is Julianna Raymond. I am a senior. My position on the SNN team is managing editor. I make sure everyone is assigned a page to lay out, make sure we have the details we need to finish stories and check for spelling/grammar mistakes. I also make sure the website is up to date and there are no errors. I like journalism because it allows me to express my views on popular topics as well as give me the skills needed to talk to others. My future plans are to go to college for multimedia communications and minor in psychology. An interesting fact about me is that I have been in journalism for a total of seven years now.

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  • Rohey

    Rohey Barrow

    Rohey Barrow, 11 th grade, feature editor.I look for and write stories that are more in the interesting side of things. I like journalism because I get to find out all the cool things happening around Lakewood! I want to go to UCF and I’m from Gambia.

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  • Mario

    Mario Heatly

    Hi, my name is Mario Heatly and I’m a senior at Lakewood High School. My position in the CJAM program is Trends Editor. What I do as a Trends Editor is to find the best trends for high schoolers and edit the trends page to make it look the best it can be. I like journalism because I can interact with new people, work on a team coming up with ideas to make an amazing newspaper for our school to read. I love taking pictures and love writing stories about things I love like anime. My future plans to go to college for either computer science or computer engineering, I’m still looking for exactly what colleges I’m eligible for. Fun Fact: I didn’t come to Lakewood looking to join CJAM but I took a shot and love it.

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