• Current Gifted Teacher: Amber Williamson
    Contact : williamsonam@pcsb.org

    *Pinellas County Gifted Website: https://www.pcsb.org/page/330

    *Frequently asked Questions:https://www.pcsb.org/cms/lib/FL01903687/Centricity/Domain/159/FAQ.pdf

    *Process for referring your student for Gifted Evaluation(s)
    • Gifted Nomination by Parent/Guardian Form and return to your child’s school.
    • The student will be screened by the schools gifted program teacher.
    • If a student scores at or above the 90%ile he or she will be referred for further evaluation.
    • If the student is referred for further evaluation the school and parents will complete the rest of the referral documents.
    • Once all documents have been completed AND the psychological report has been received the school submits the student folder to the Eligibility Determination Committee to determine if the student meets all three areas of eligibility. Parents will be notified via letter as to the results of that meeting.
    • If the student is determined eligible for gifted service, the school will hold an Education Plan (EP) meeting to finalize the students’ placement into the gifted program.
    • Once the EP meeting has been held and has been placed into the program, the student may begin attending gifted classes.