Volunteering @ SAE



    Many Hands Make Light Work

    If you would like to volunteer at Shore Acres Elementary, please contact

    Mrs. Sims at 727-570-3173


    • SAC
    • PTA
    • Trunk or Treat – October
    • The Great American Teach-In – November
    • Picture Day
    • Reading Under the Stars
    • Lunch Pals Mentor – Commit to eating lunch once a week with a child.  They serve as role models, listening friends, and caring companions.  Mentors provide encouragement and support to students. To be a mentor, you are required to attend a mandatory Mentor Class given by the School Board.  
    • Tutor – Assist students on an individual basis or in small groups to reinforce basic skills in various academic subjects.  
    • Media/Library – Shorting and shelving books and assisting in other day to day duties
    • Book Fair – Help kids with shopping and money management.
    • Cafeteria – Wiping tables, assist in food prep, assist children during lunch
    • In Classrooms – Field Trips chaperone, classroom assistance, special projects as directed by the teacher
    • Solicit Community & Businesses Partnerships thru the 3M’s:
      • Money – Adopt-A-Class, Event Sponsors, Department Sponsors
      • Manpower – Guest speakers, Volunteers, Mentors
      • Materials – Copying and printing services, donations of food, supplies, gifts and giveaways to be used for fundraising and/or appreciation events



    What talent do you have to offer?




  • Volunteer Requirements and Procedures

    • All new volunteers must complete a registration form and submit a copy of their driver’s license to the office. Processing and background checks can take about 3-4 weeks. You will receive an email from Pinellas County School Board once you have been approved with your username and password. You may not volunteer without clearance.


       Returning volunteers must reactivate themselves in Focus by logging in (see below) and answering a few questions regarding any criminal activity during the past year. This is required at the beginning of each year prior to volunteering.


                 Always sign in/out at the front desk.


                 Always wear your volunteer nametag/sticker or level 2 badge while on campus.


                 Log your hours into the Volunteer System in Focus. A computer is set up in the office to enter hours for your convenience.


                 If you want to drive on class field trips, you need to be fingerprinted and obtain a Level II clearance. If enough parents wish to obtain Level II clearance, we may be able to arrange fingerprinting services here at the school.



      Logging in Volunteer Hours:


      Hours must be entered into a computer or laptop; phones and tablets will not work. You must use Firefox browser. We have a computer set up in the school office to enter hours for your convenience.


            STEP 1 – Go to: https://focus.pcsb.org/volunteer

            STEP 2 -  Sign on to the Volunteer System using your v.account

      Username:  v.last name first initial (not case sensitive)       

                               Example: v.smithd

            Password:  Last name (first letter capitalized) immediately followed by 4-digit                                            

                               birth year.                 

                               Example: Smith1975

            Click:          Log In (it may ask you to register your computer)

            STEP 3 -  Enter Volunteer Hours under “Support Services” or “Instructional” for

                                 mentoring or tutoring                                   

            STEP 4 – Click: Save (very important!) and then Log Out




      It is very important for volunteers to log ALL of their hours in the system. Hours include planning and attending PTA and SAC meetings, planning and working events, making phone calls, working on projects, soliciting donations, shopping for supplies, etc. ANY time spent on activity that benefits the school counts! Hours do not have to be served on campus.


      Recognition, funding and grant opportunities are available if we meet certain criteria on volunteer hours and activity. Our goal is to have 700+ volunteer hours, or double the number of volunteer hours as the student population! That is very doable, as long as hours are entered into Focus.