• Clearwater High School

    Master Discipline Plan

    chs shield

    1. Academic Cheating/Plagiarism: 1st offense – Referral to office, zero on assignment, parental contact, IRC All Day, reflective essay

    2nd offense – IRC (2) Days All Day, parental conference, zero on assignment, guidance alert, and reflective essay. Alternative Bell Schedule (ABS) for next offense.


    1. Automobile Responsibilities: 1st offense – Warning/Parent contact

    2nd offense – Parking privileges revoked for one semester or the remainder of the current semester, and reflective essay

    3rd offense – – Parking privileges revoked for two semesters or permanently, and reflective essay.

    *Any vehicle parked without a hangtag may be subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.


    1. Battery: 3-5 days OSS/ABS/IRC, parent conference, possible arrest, possible expulsion, referral to MTSS, and reflective essay.


    1. Bullying/Harassment: Referral to School Based Intervention Team, possible

    IRC/ABS/OSS, reassignment, possible arrest, SRO consult, and reflective essay.


    1. Campus Disruption: 3-5 days OSS/ABS/IRC, parent conference, possible arrest, and reflective essay. ****Severe campus disruptions will result in suspension****

    *Severe campus disruptions will result in suspension****

    1. Defiance/Disrespect/Insubordination: Students who blatantly refuse to follow reasonable requests of staff members, refusal to follow general school expectations may include but not limited to the following consequences:

    (Example: leaving class without permission)

    1. Verbal reprimand – Parent contact in Focus
    2. Teacher Detention – Parent contact in Focus
    3. IRC for day and reflective essay.
    4. ABS and reflective essay.
    5. Out-of-School Suspension, reflective essay, and reflective essay.


    1. Dress Code: 1st offense – Student reports to IC, parent contacted for appropriate

    change of clothing, and reflective essay.


    2nd offense – Student assigned (1) day of ABS, and reflective essay.


    **** Subsequent offenses may result in multiple days of ABS

    **** Hats/Headgear are not permitted. Items(s) will be confiscated and parent must pick up.

    **** The administration shall be the final judge about whether a student’s clothing is appropriate for school or whether it will create an environmental climate that is distracting to learning. All staff members will enforce the dress code.


    1. Electronic Device (per semester):

    1st offense – Referral, item confiscated by A/P returned at end of the day

    2nd offense – Referral written, Item confiscated by Asst. Principal, parent must pick-up. Repeated concerns (ABS)

    **** Students are eligible to bring their own technology to school for access to research, textbooks, and email communication. Teachers will define the parameters for technology usage in their classrooms. Students who do not follow the parameters will have their technology privilege revoked. Students are permitted to use their technology in the hallways for their own personal use. Students who inappropriately use technology (noise/music/disruptive sounds/ filming/ pictures) in common areas on campus WILL be subject to discipline per the master discipline plan.


    1. Failure to report to office with referral: ABS/possible suspension, parent conference, and reflective essay.


    1. Failure to provide I.D. or Give false I.D.: ABS, Suspension, guidance alert, parent conference, and reflective essay.


    1. Fighting: 1st offense – 3-5 day OSS/ABS/IRC w/parent conference,

    peer mediation, SRO consult, guidance alert, post situation summary/reflection, behavior management plan, and reflective essay.


    1. Gambling: 1st offense – 2 days ABS/IC, possible arrest, and reflective essay.

    2nd offense – 3-5 days OSS/ABS, possible arrest, and reflective essay.


    1. Harassment/Sexual: 3 days OSS, possible arrest, possible

    reassignment, expulsion, guidance alert, parent conference, and reflective essay.


    1. Leaving Campus w/o Permission:

    1st offense – 2-days IC placement (all day) and reflective essay.

    2nd offense – 2-day ABS placement, parent conference, and reflective essay.

    3rd offense – 3-day OSS/ABS/IRC and reflective essay. 


    1. Lack of Classroom Cooperation: Students who blatantly refuse to follow reasonable

    requests of staff members, refusal to follow general school expectations may include but not limited to the following consequences:

    (Examples: excessive talking, sleeping, out of seat, head on desk)

    1. Verbal reprimand – Parent contact in Focus and reflective essay.
    2. Teacher detention - Parent contact in Focus and reflective essay
    3. Lunch detention - Teacher-controlled – 15 mins.
    4. Office referral - IRC for period, parent contact, and reflective essay.
    5. Office referral – IRC all day, parent contact, and reflective essay.
    6. Parent Conference – ABS and reflective essay.


    1. Missed AP Detention: 1st 2-days AP detention and reflective essay.

    2nd All Day(s) IC placement and reflective essay.


    1. Missed Teacher Detention: Referral to AP and reflective essay.

    *Note: Teachers must have flexibility in their schedules for more than one day of detention. Under this plan, students must be given options other than afternoon

    detention. Teachers will give students at least 24 hours to schedule detention.


    1. Profanity (Classroom, Hallways): Warning/letter of apology/IRC/ABS/Suspension/

    Relevant to the situation.  Reflective question documents and essay. 


    1. Profanity to Staff: 3 – 5 days OSS/ABS/IRC and reflective essay.


    1. Repeated Misconduct: Continued defiance of school expectations and reasonable

    requests, previous referrals and disciplinary action with no improvement. Punishment will be comparable to the infraction for repeated misconduct, guidance alert, and referral to School Based Intervention Team, ABS, IRC. – Out of School Suspension. Alternative

    placement is also possible for repeated misconduct. Reflective essay and small group meetings will also be provided for repeated offenses. 


    1. Skipping: 1st offense – referral, AP detention

    2nd offense/subsequent – IRC/Multiple days IRC placement, ABS (repeated)


    1. Tardies (Every semester): Any student tardy to class should report to their class

    immediately. Tardies are tabulated by semester.


    1st-2nd – Teacher warning, parent contact

    3rd - Teacher detention, parent contact, and reflective essay.  

    4th - Office referral, parent contact, IRC all day and reflective essay. 

    5th - IRC placement 2 days and reflective essay.

    6th - ABS/Parent conference and reflective essay. 

    7th - Multiple days of ABS and reflective essay.

    ************ 10 minutes late = skipping ************


    1. Threat/Intimidation: Suspension, with a possible recommendation for reassignment


    1. Theft: 1st offense – ABS/OSS, possible arrest, parent

    conference, guidance alert, and reflective essay. 

    2nd offense – OSS, possible arrest, parent conference, possible alternative placement, and reflective essay. 


    1. Tobacco: 1st offense – Fine, Smokers clinic or/3 days ABS, parent conference, and reflective essay.

    2nd offense – Fine, parent conference, 3 days out of school suspension, and reflective essay. 


    1. Unauthorized Area Detention, IRC, ABS to possible suspension, and reflective essay.


    1. Vandalism: Restitution/work detail, parent conference, ABS,

    possible suspension, possible arrest, and reflective essay. 



    Within forty-eight (48) hours of a student’s absence the parent will send a note explaining the absence. If that contact does not occur, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. If a student has 15 unexcused absences in a 90-day period, he/she will lose their driver’s license. The student must then attend school for 30 consecutive calendar days to have the license reinstated.  Students who exhibit absenteeism will be referred to the Teen Truancy Court on campus.

    The administration reserves the right to use discretion in the application of these guidelines.

    If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher, counselor or administrator in order to be successful at Clearwater High School.