Healthy Schools Alliance

  • Healthy

    Belcher Elementary is an award winning healthy school!

    We were one of the first schools in Pinellas County to receive Gold level recognition through the Alliance for a Healthier Generations Healthy Schools Program.  We strive to create a healthy learning environment and act as a role model school for our community.  Please take a look at our wellness guidelines below.

    Pinellas County School District supports healthy fundraisers during the regular and extended school day.  Belcher has taken our wellness vow a step further and our school fundraisers are ALL non-food based fundraisers.

    All snacks provided to students on school campus or brought from home to share must meet Smart Snacks guidelines.  You can check a foods compliance using the Alliance Product Calculator by following this link:


    Did you know… All foods and beverages served, offered, and sold during the school day and extended day must meet Smart Snacks in Schools Nutrition Guidelines?




    Rewards and Class Celebrations

    Rewards given to students will not be food based.  Classroom and school-wide celebrations will include only foods that are Smart Snack compliant.  This includes birthday celebrations. The exception will be on only two days per year (Valentine's Day and Winter Holiday Celebration – the day before Winter Break) where students will be allowed to have food of minimal nutritional value on campus.




    Recess and Physical Activity Breaks

    All students will receive 20 minutes of recess daily and all classrooms will include physical activity breaks in their daily routines.