In order to create a safe nurturing learning environment, the staff at Gulfport Elementary School created a school-wide system. This process is used by all teachers and staff.

    If a student chooses not to follow our school or classroom expectations, the following steps will be followed:

    1. Redirection

    2. Logical Consequences

    • Freedom of movement and choice restricted

    • Student makes appropriate choices - rejoins class

    3. Think area (up to 5 minutes)

    • Student sits quietly in designated area

    • If a student completes steps successfully - rejoins class

    4. Relocation to another classroom

    • Student sits quietly in another classroom

    • If student completes step successfully - returns to class to serve think time

    • Student rejoins class after completing think time

    5. Phone call home

    • Teacher and student call parent/guardian

    • Student makes appropriate choices - serves think time

    • Student rejoins class after completing think time

    6. In Class Suspension

    • Student sits quietly in designated area and completes work packet and In Class Suspension Checklist

    • If student completes step successfully - rejoins class

    • In Class Suspension Checklist sent home

    • Parent signs and returns

    7. Referral to office

    • Student completes office referral process

    • Returns to class and serves In Class Suspension

    • Student rejoins class

    • Office Referral Parent Notification sent home

    • Parent signs and returns

    At the teacher’s discretion, a step may be skipped or omitted in order to best help the child make good choices. If a student chooses to commit a major infraction, the student will be

    referred directly to the office.