Friday Family Lunch


     Welcome to K-5 Friday Family Lunch during the 2024-25 school year here at

    North Shore Elementary! We are happy to have you here on campus.

    • Check-in at the Front Office 
    • Driver’s License Required (no exceptions)
    • ID Badge Provided (must wear while on campus)


    • Visitors must wear the badge provided by the Front Office or other identification provided by the district (i.e., Level 2 badge)
    • Family lunches will be held only in the Courtyard at the picnic tables; no other campus locations are to be accessed while visiting campus for Friday Family Lunch.
    • Student restrooms are available in the cafeteria; Adult restrooms are available in the front office lobby.
    •  For the safety of our students, students eating lunch with a parent will not be permitted to join classes who may be having recess in the Courtyard.
    • If the parent is already in the Courtyard waiting as classes walk to lunch, students may leave the line to eat with their parents (teacher must be aware and communicated with)
      • If the parent is not at the picnic benches yet, the student will go into the cafeteria and the parent may peek their head into the cafeteria upon arrival. The staff member on duty will get the child for the parent and they may go to the Courtyard for lunch.
      • No parents/guests of students will eat in the cafeteria.
      • There is no rainy-day plan; please plan to visit on another Friday.
    • If the parent leaves early, the child will return to the cafeteria and be dismissed with their class.
    • If the parent stays for the entire lunch block, the parent will release the child to their classroom teacher or staff member on lunch duty once lunch ends.
      • Parents are not authorized to walk with students back to the classroom.
      • Parents must leave campus once their child’s lunch block ends.
      • When leaving, please see the staff member on duty (next to the outside archway near the cafeteria doors) and provide them with your badge sticker to discard. Please then exit the cafeteria gate.
    • Parents are only allowed to take their child from the cafeteria for lunch; no friends, neighbors, classmates, relatives, etc. will be allowed to exit the cafeteria to join another family for lunch.
    • Only students at each grade level lunch time can eat lunch with their parents. If parents have more than one student at North Shore, they must stay for each child’s lunch block. We will not pull students out of class to join another student’s lunch block.