Safety Patrol Information

  • Safety patrols are for fifth graders only. Please contact Ms. Paetzold ( with any questions.

    KNIGHTS’ Safety Patrol Expectations


    The Safety Patrol’s Schedule:


    Morning Post - 8:15 am – 8:40 am 

    • Breakfast can be eaten in the cafeteria at 8:15 or picked up on the way to post.
    • You must be to class on time. No exceptions.
    • Do not visit other posts or other classrooms.
    • Do not wander the campus or go to other posts.


    Afternoon Post - 2:50 pm – 3:05 pm 

    • Go directly to your post.
    • Do NOT visit other classrooms or teachers on your way!
    • Do not wander the campus or go to the other posts.


    Though your Safety Patrol posts are before and after school, you are a Safety Patrol ALL day. You are the best of North Shore Elementary’s KNIGHTS and are expected to behave as such ALL day.


    What a Safety Patrol Looks Like:

    • Follows ALL school rules.
    • Puts SAFETY first.
    • Wears Safety Patrol belt correctly over the shoulder.
    • Wears the correct uniform. (Shirt tucked in, belt on pants, and nametag on patrol belt.)


    What a Safety Patrol Sounds Like:

    • Polite
    • Respectful
    • Honest
    • Firm, but friendly.


    What a Safety Patrol Acts Like:

    • A Safety Patrol is a positive role model who acts with integrity.



    Demerits – Incorrect uniform, unexcused tardy or absent from post, less than orange on classroom behavior chart, not performing duty, disrespectful, not completing classwork or homework.

    •  3 Demerits = 1-week suspension from Safety Patrols.
    • 3 Safety Patrol Suspensions = Permanent removal from Safety Patrols.
    • Probation = D or F on a midterm or report card will result in probation until grades are brought up.
    • Permanent Removal = Any behavior referral.