
  •      School Volunteer

    A person who donates

    his/her time, energy, or talent

    to various phases of school programs

    under the direction of school district personnel.

    These phases may include

    but not limited to mentoring students;

    providing classroom assistance;

    enhancing the positive climate of the school,

    etc. …

    We treasure our volunteers!

    Registration Process

    IMPORTANT: All volunteers are required to be registered and MUST have an approved status to attend all field trips. It takes about two weeks to complete this process, so please make sure you have registered with us in advance of any field trip or volunteer opportunity you are considering.

    Pinellas County Schools has a responsibility to its students, staff and visitors. All individuals desiring to volunteer, whether in a classroom or to act as a chaperone on a field trip, are required to complete the application process. Volunteer applicants are also required to show a legal, government issued photo ID upon registration to verify their name and date of birth. Information on the registration form is used to conduct a background check by Campus Police. All information is for program use only and will not be given to any other organization, group or person. Pinellas County Schools reserves the right to refuse volunteer assignments to individuals convicted of offenses pursuant to 112.011, Florida Statutes (1997).

    To make the registration process easier for you, you can download the registration form by clicking on the Volunteer Registration form below, fill it out at your convenience and return to the front office on your next visit to the school.

    Identification and Sign-in/Sign-out Procedures

    Because student safety is the responsibility of the school, always report to the school office before you begin your volunteer activity. Begin by signing in with the front office and obtaining a Badge Pass visitors badge. Wearing your name badge while at school and during your volunteer activity will ensure that school staff and students can easily identify you. Please take a moment to log in your volunteer hours by signing-in with your Volunteer password and ID into Focus/SIS web address: https://focus.pcsb.org from home or on our Community Access Computer in the front office. The Focus Volunteer System keeps a record of your hours of service, which the school will receive recognition for based on the number of volunteer hours accumulated over the school year. Please don’t forget to sign out!



    Want to volunteer as a chaperone on a field trip?

    You MUST be a registered and active volunteer.

    Download Volunteer Registrations – click to open! Steps to follow:
    1. Enter personal data
    2. Print or scan the registration form
    3. Sign, date and attach a copy of government issued photo I.D.
    4. Returning volunteers can activate in Focus. Click on the link and follow the instructions to -Activate Your Volunteer Status

    5. If you are driving a private vehicle, please fill out the Vehicle Information Form and return with your volunteer registration.

    Volunteer Level II Fingerprinting Procedures and Fingerprint Vendors 
    Click on the link to open Level II Procedures

    Please allow up to two weeks for processing your registration form.
     Thank you.


    Your student MUST have a signed permission slip to attend the field trip.

    If you have lost one, you can download a new permission slip here.


    Contact Ms. Lepper, Family and Community Liaison, for more information.

