• National STEM Honor Society

    Sponsor: Jerry Cantrell, cantrellj@pcsb.org

    Location: E3

    Time: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month after school


    Mention the words National STEM Honor Society™ to a high school student and recognition coupled with thoughts of their future immediately come to mind. Students are excited about the benefits of recognition for each of their four years of high school which represent a “bolster your resume” competitive advantage for college and employment applications.

    Future college and career readiness through project based learning enrichment provides real world relevance, transforming students into collaborators and imaginative problem solvers, giving them the upper hand in a global landscape, stemming from enhanced confidence and grit. NSTEM provides these young STEM enthusiasts with a close community of like minded fellow students and educators.

                  The National STEM Honor Society believes that STEM is an exciting  journey through all grade levels, that starts early and lasts a lifetime… From K to Career.