• Keeping students motivated while on lockdown

    May 6, 2020 | COLLEGE NEWS

    Stage Production instructor Jeff Wilson has incorporated video chat
    sessions with industry experts into his curriculum to keep students

    The Coronavirus has changed life as we know it. PTC Stage Production Instructor Jeff Wilson can attest to that! In a program that is only 15 percent lecture-based, keeping students engaged while the country is on lockdown is no small feat.

    A more than 25-year veteran of the music and stage production business, Wilson has an extensive network of industry contacts, including the finest technicians, directors, and engineers. He decided to reach out to a few of his friends, which paid off for his students.

    Each week, a different industry expert has joined in on class video sessions, lending their expertise and doling out tricks of the trade. Wilson said these calls inspire his students to work even harder.

    One week, students could be talking to front of house and monitor engineer Pavan Grewall, who’s worked with Lizzo, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Pentatonix, and the next with Ross Blitz, media designer for various mega music stars.  

    Susan Rose, lighting director and designer for Fab Four alum Ringo Starr, made a significant impact on students Mike Loman and Sean Ewing.

    “She was very inspirational, and I could tell that not only has she made a good living, but she actually enjoys what she does, which is really important,” said Ewing. “I would have to say that seeing her positive energy and admiration for her craft was the best thing that I got out of her presentation.”

    Rose, who grew up in Orlando and has been performing on stage since the tender age of 14, has designed, directed, and programmed stage lighting for many recording artists such as Hank Williams, Jr., Louise Mandrell, and John Berry. She’s also designed lighting for awards ceremonies (Stellar Awards, Dove Awards) theme parks (Disney, Dollywood, Sea World), and even cruise ships.

    Her storied career struck a chord with Loman, who wants to work both live concerts and theme parks. He enjoyed learning the differences between the venues.

    “Overall, it was a cool experience; no negatives, and I’m looking forward to the next one this Friday.”

    Stage Production student E.K. finds the weekly video sessions beneficial and inspiring to hear accomplished industry veterans tell their stories.

    “It helps to get to see real faces and people working in this (audio or lighting) craft so we can pick up tips and info from them.”

    Students never know who might virtually stop by for a chat. It pays to have an instructor with friends in high places.