• Warhawk Science


    Mission Statement

    • To Introduce and educate students of all levels and backgrounds to the complexities and wonders of the sciences.
    • To Challenge the students to reach their highest potential while maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment.
    • To Provide a diversified curriculum that emphasizes inquiry-based laboratories.
    • To Encourage the students to welcome the Sciences now and in their futures.



    The Warhawk Science Department:

    • Majority of the Science Dept. has 15+ years teaching experience.
    • Science staff degrees range from Bachelor’s to Master’s in both the Sciences & Education
    • The Science Staff is actively involved in the school: Coaching (Swimming), Science National Honor Society Adviser, Academic Team Coach, School Beautification, Interact Club Adviser, Chemistry Club Adviser and Staff Health and Wellness Coordinator.


    Warhawk Science Special Projects and Field Trips:

    • Mole Day, Fungus Day, DNA Day, Science Fair, Physics Day at Busch Gardens, Epcot Educational Experience, SeaWorld Educational Experience, and Chemistry Club Cook-Off.


    Science Staff with Courses Taught  

    Melissa Brandenburg                                AP Biology/Environmental Science H

    Jerry Cantrell                                          AP Physics/Environmental Water Technology/Engineering

    Tera Cox                                                 AP Environmental Science/Marine IH/Marine IIH

    Jen Kennan                                             Environmental Science H/Physical Science H/APEX

    Douglas Marchetti                                    Biology 1H

    Brittany Nunziato                                     Chemistry 1H/Environmental Science H

    Andrew Reeves                                        Biology IH/Marine 1H

    Laurie Vaughn-Grantges                           AP Capstone Research/AP Capstone Seminar/Chemistry IH

    Aimee Wakulinski                                     Marine Science IH

    Susan Wolodkowicz (Dept. Chair)              Biology IH

    John Zvoncheck                                       AP Chemistry/Chemistry 1H