Volunteer FAQ's


    1. Do I have to be a registered volunteer to help out on campus or go on a field trip?

      Yes, you must be a registered volunteer in good standing.    It typically takes two weeks for the district to run the background check so please plan ahead. Once you have registered you need only reactivate each year to stay in the system.

    2. Do I have to be fingerprinted to volunteer?

      Maybe. Individuals who have unsupervised contact with students must have Level 2 clearance. On field trips this may occur when students are transported in cars, or if you break into small groups after riding a bus to your destination. Speak to the Family & Community Liaison if you have any questions.

    3. May I volunteer in my child's classroom?

      You will need to make arrangements with your child's teacher. Different teachers have different needs. Some may want a volunteer in the classroom on a regular basis, others may only call for help when they have special projects.
      If you do have more time to give, please consider checking with one of the specialists (art, music, etc.) as they often need help with projects, concerts, and so forth. The Media Center is another good place to help out.

    4. Do I have to come every day if I volunteer?

      Absolutely not. You work out a schedule with the teacher, whether it is weekly, or only for the occasional field trip or special event.

    5. May I bring younger children in with me when I volunteer?


    6. I am unable to take off work on a regular basis, how can I help?

      Consider chaperoning a field trip. Come in to speak during the Great American Teach-In. Have lunch at school with your child.
      And be sure to check with your employer, many allow an hour or so a week for community service.

    7. Is there any way I can help from home?

      Yes, there are a number of activities that you can do from home including cutting things out, or perhaps making phone calls for the PTA

    8. I want to be involved with the PTA but can't take any time off during the day - now what?

      The PTA plans a number of activities throughout the year, and often the committees meet in the early evening. Man a booth for a while at the Fall Festival or play games at the Campfire. Parents have a great time planning events, be a part of one of those groups.

    9. Do I need to log in all my hours - even when I do things from home or chaperone a field trip?

      YES! Every hour counts. The cumulative hours are reported to the District and State. You may log your hours in from any computer, even at home.

    10. I am a step parent - can I volunteer at the school?

      Yes. Just as friends, family (grandparents) and neighbors all may volunteer after registering. Registering to volunteer does not confer any parental rights; you would be welcome as we welcome anyone from the community.

    11. I am ineligible to volunteer - are there any options for me?

      Unless there is a court order stating otherwise, a parent may attend all functions at the school (parent-teacher conferences, PTA events) and have lunch with their child. Our Family and Community Liaison will be happy to answer any further questions.