
  • The 5th Grade course is Physical Education.

    The 6th Grade course is M/J Fitness.

    7th Grade:

    M/J Health

    Health Education is a required course for all 7th grade students. The skills in this course include: core concepts, analyzing influences, accessing information, interpersonal communication, decision making, goal setting, self-management and advocacy. During this course, students will be asked to voluntarily complete a brief anonymous survey from the district’s health education office. Parents who do not want their child to participate must contact the health education teacher. The survey questions are on health behaviors. Topics include injury prevention and safety, mental health, human sexuality, nutrition, physical activity, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The results of this survey allow the health education office to see the “big picture” of students’ risk behaviors to support future curriculum development. Parents have the right to inspect the survey. In addition, a one day barrier protection lesson will occur during the human sexuality unit. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s health education teacher. 

    M/J Team Sports

    8th Grade:

    M/J Wellness

    The purpose of the Wellness Education course is to develop and enhance healthy behaviors that influence lifestyle choices and student health and fitness with the knowledge, skills and values they need to become healthy and physically active for a lifetime.  Health Education concepts and skills will be embedded throughout this course.  The content and skills in this course include:  understanding influences, accesses valid health information, communication skills, decision-making, goal-setting, components of healthy nutrition, with the integration of human sexuality, substance abuse prevention, character education and personal wellness.

    M/J Individual/Dual Sports

    The 8.5 Grade course is Team Sports.


    Tampa Bay Bucs – Jr. Bucs Program 

     Conditioning  Let's Go Team! Flag Football  

    On September 21, 2018, Clearwater Intermediate School had some special guests on campus. From 9:40 AM until 1:00 PM, the Tampa Bay Bucs - Jr. Bucs Program operated all scheduled Physical Education and Health classes. Former Buc’s player, Anthony Davis, joined local coaches who volunteer in support of this worthwhile program. Their goal was to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Throughout the day, staff members checked out the action in the back field and in the gym! Special thanks to Clearwater Intermediate’s Coach Mellinger and Coach Watts for coordinating this unique learning experience for the student body!


    John Hopkins Culinary Program

    Getting Ready to Prepare a Healthy Meal       Slicing healthy vegetables       Stirring the meal       

    For four Fridays during the month of February, a representative from the Culinary program from John Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg volunteered to share healthy meal preparation with Coach Mellinger’s Health classes. During one class, students made Pesto Pasta. It involved slicing and dicing vegetables, making the pesto sauce, and cooking the ingredients. All students enjoyed eating cuisine that they prepared. The class learned the health benefits of whole foods vs. refined processed foods.