• Homework Helpline Update:

    As the district continues to refine and expand our support for students and families, Student Services staff worked with Teaching & Learning to review the use and effectiveness of the Homework Helpline. Given the number of digital resources available to students and families and the limited use of the phone-line based Homework Helpline, it has been determined that the district will no longer support phone base help.

    Please take a few moments to review the many resources available to our scholars on the PCS updated Homework Help webpage. This site will be the information hub for both parents and scholars.


    Homework Tips

     Establish a routine
    • Make a schedule and stick to it.
    • Decide with your child the best time and place for doing homework.  You may think the best time is right after school, but your child may need a break first and then do  their homework after dinner.
    • Do homework at the same time every day.  If you child is involved in after school  activities, homework comes first!  Since coaches sometimes change practice schedules from week to week, plan ahead to complete homework assignments.

    Set up a study area

    • Do homework in the same place every day.
    • Find a place with proper lighting where your child is comfortable.
    • A desk or table, even the kitchen table, can be used before or after dinner.

    Homework survival kit

    • Get the supplies your child needs: pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener, paper, crayons,  dictionary, scissors, glue, ruler, calculator and other supplies.
    • Keep supplies in a box near the study area.


    • Homework time needs to be a time when your child can concentrate.  Work at reducing distractions and interruptions.

    When to call the teacher?

    • If your child is having a great deal of difficulty, schedule a conference with your child's  teacher.
    • The teacher may be unaware that your child is having trouble with the assignments.
    • Together you can work out a plan for your child's success.