
  • The mission of the school counseling program at Douglas L. Jamerson, Jr. Elementary School, Center for Mathematics and Engineering, is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social needs of all students.


    Jamerson Expectations

     Be Respectful

    Be Responsible

    Be Your Best

    Be Safe

    Be Kind

  • Guidance Counselor

    The Comprehensive Counseling Program is designed to meet the needs of all students in three areas designated by the Florida Department of Education Sunshine State Standards and the American School Counselor Association National Model.


    • Students will acquire and demonstrate academic self-management for lifelong learning


    • Students will develop career and educational awareness


    • Students will acquire and demonstrate self-knowledge and self-acceptance
    • Students will acquire and demonstrate self-management and responsible behavior
    • Student will develop interpersonal and communication skills

    Classroom Guidance: Lessons will be designed based on the counseling standards and the needs of the classroom. Lessons will range from social skills, conflict resolution, peer relationships and career exploration. Other lessons will be taught based on teacher request, while still following the counseling standards.

    Small Guidance Groups: Students may be referred by parents, teachers, or based on school data. The groups will depend on the needs of the students. Some of the groups offered yearly are: divorce/separation issues, self-esteem, anger management techniques, or friendship skills. Other groups will be created based on student need.

    Scheduling an Appointment: I have an open door policy. Please feel free to call or email me to set up an appointment. Students are also free to stop by when they need to talk about any issue. 


    Jaclyn Simmonds:

    727-552-1703 ext: 2010

  • What is School-wide Positive Behavior Support?

    PBS is our school-wide discipline plan and the way of work to monitor behavior. The PBS goals in our School Improvement Plan are to increase the number of students being successful and to reduce the number of students receiving numerous referrals. Students need to be TAUGHT the correct behavior and this is best done through modeling and repeated practice. Super Sprockets reward students when they are showing the correct behavior. Achievement scores also increase when students are actively listening and participating in class. Super Sprockets are used to buy rewards throughout the year, whether it be for a big event, popcorn, or at the school store.



    • Is a collaborative assessment-based process to developing effective interventions for problem behavior.
    • Aims to build an environment in which positive behavior is more effective than problem behavior.
    • Emphasizes the use of preventative, teaching, and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behavior and lifestyle outcomes.

    What does PBS look like in our school?

    • We use school-wide expectations and rules to teach students appropriate behavior.
    • Reward system (Super Sprockets) to encourage and model appropriate behavior, and effective consequences, to discourage inappropriate behavior.
    • Trailblazer Assemblies to reward appropriate behavior.
    • Big events to reward students with no referrals and events that students have saved their Super Sprockets to attend.
    • Use data from referrals and minor infractions to target problem behavior.


    Levels of PBS are:

    • School-Wide: Procedures and processes intended for all students, staff, in specific settings, across campus.
    • Classroom: Processes and procedures that reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior, coupled with pre-planned strategies applied within classrooms.
  • Rewards
    • Staff gives redeemable coupons called Super Sprockets when students demonstrate expectations, combined with positive praise/recognition.  These coupons are redeemable at the school store, book store, popcorn store, and big events.
    • Get in Gear certificates are given weekly to 2 students per classroom, to recognize outstanding behavior and/or excellence in academics.  The students are then celebrated on DLJ Live morning television/ announcements.
    • Trailblazer of the Month and Engineer of the Month are given to 2 students per class.  They are presented in front of the whole student body and the parent/s will be notified so that you know when to attend.
    Attendance and Tardy Policy: All students at Jamerson are expected to be at school every day, on time.
    Arrival/Dismissal Rules
    • Use quiet voices at all times.
    • Go directly to your designated area.
    • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    • Sit calmly in your designated area.

    Hallway Rules
    • Use quiet voices at all times.
    • Go directly to your designation.
    • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    • Walk on the right side of the stairs and the sidewalk.
    Cafeteria Rules
    • Enter and exit calmly using quiet voices.
    • Keep hands, feet, and food to yourself at all times.
    • Keep all areas clean.
    • Put all garbage in trashcan neatly.
    • Stay seated with feet under the table.

    Bus Rules
    Your ride is all about SAFETY
    • Sit and stay in assigned seat
    • Act Responsibly & Respectfully
    • Feet, hands, and objects to self and inside the bus
    • Emergency and railroad tracks—voices off
    • Talk quietly to your neighbor
    • Your driver is the leader