• ABOUT: Skills USA is a national organization that focuses on career and technical education and development, and prepares a student for today's workforce.  Students learn employability skills, teamwork, communication, decision making, safety & health, work ethics, professionalism, responsibility, adaptability & flexibility, and self motivation.

    There are over 300,000 members across the country, who compete in their vocational area, at the Regional, State and National level.

    Here at Dunedin High, students in Cosmetology, Architecture, Construction, and Robotics are allowed to join and become members.  Not all students compete, but can actively participate in fundraisers to help fund events and contests.

    State contest is the end of April in Pensacola for a week. Nationals are held in June in Louisville, Kentucky.  The World championships are held this year in Abu Dhabi in October.

    Secondary (high school) and post-secondary students compete in over 150 different skills and leadership contests.

    Our students practice in their industrial / vocational classes. Membership is open until the end of October. At that time officers will be elected.


    SCHEDULE: Meetings held throughout the year as needed.


    FACULTY ADVISER: Mrs. Hawkins

     Congratulations to Jordon Adams!  She became a SkillsUSA Region 4 officer and also received the highest individual distinguished award, the Statesman Award.  She had to develop an activity using the SkillsUSA frameworks, recite the pledge, recite the mission statement, pass the SkillsUSA professional member test, and many other projects.  She only had 1 ½ days to prepare for this and she passed with flying colors.