Discipline Policy

  • All students are expected to comply with TSFES "Guidelines for Success" without exception.  At the beginning of the school year, students and teachers will develop a mission statement and a list of class expectations.  Parents will receive a copy of the school district's "Code of Student Conduct."  This Code should be read by the parents and discussed with the student.  The parent signature page must be signed and returned to school.

    Appropriate student behavior is one of the basic fundamental school principles. All students and parents are expected to abide by the school and classroom rules. In accordance with Fundamental school policy, detentions will be used as a consequence for violation of school behavior, or classroom behavior guidelines.
    Fundamental policy discipline is broken into four equal nine week periods during the year.  Discipline infractions include lack of homework, misbehavior, and lack of parent signature on class work.
    1. Written warning is sent to parent
    2. Second written warning is sent to parent.
    3. Third written warning is sent to parent.
    4. If infractions continue, detentions are given to the student.

    A referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee occurs when a student receives a total of 3 warnings plus 4 detentions during any of these periods:
    Aug. - Oct. 
    Oct. -  Dec.
    Jan.  - Mar.
    Mar. - May

    Each infraction period will have 3 warnings followed by 4 detentions. Referral to Intervention and Appeals Committee will take place after the 4th detention in an infraction period.

    Detention will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-2:45 p.m. on the date assigned by the teacher. Students must report to the detention classroom no later than 2:15 p.m. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the child reports to detention. Students who report late or do not come on the assigned date will receive an additional detention. Every detention must be served on the date assigned by the teacher.

    Office Referrals:
    1. Office Referrals are cumulative throughout the year.
    2. Three office referrals will result in a referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee.
    3. Each additional office referral will result in another referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee.
    4. Severe infractions will result in immediate referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee as determined by the principal.

    Reassignment by Student Assignment Office:
    Students may be dismissed and directed to call the Student Assignment Office at any time during the school year for violations of Fundamental policy such as behavior and class work or homework policies. If the referral to the Student Assignment Office occurs based on parental infractions of Fundamental policy after May 1, the student may remain in attendance for the remainder of the school year. The family must contact the Student Assignment office for a school assignment for the following year. Only under special circumstances, approved by the principal, will a brief delay in dismissing a student be an option.

     Intervention and Appeals Committee

    The function of the Intervention and Appeals Committee (comprised of parents, teachers and the principal) is to review and enforce the following:
    1. Cases of severe or repeated discipline infractions
    2. Continued lack of compliance with homework and/or class work policy.
    3. Failure to support Fundamental school dress code.
    4. Parent absences from PTA meetings.
    5. Parent not attending required conferences.

    The committee has the option to recommend alternatives which may improve the area of concern. They may establish probation with stipulations for students or parents. If the parent or student fail to fulfill the probation stipulations, or meet the established criteria, a student can be referred to the Student Assignment Office for placement in another school. A student may be referred at any time.

    Parents/guardians may address the committee, but will not be present when the committee deliberates. The committee will make the official recommendation for any interventions deemed appropriate including probation and removal from the school. The committee will verify that appropriate procedures have been followed.
    Parents have the right to appeal a school decision. An appeal must be made in writing within 48 hours of parental notification. Parents can contact the principal for information regarding the appeal process.



    Discipline Policy

    All students are expected to comply with TSFES "Guidelines for Success" without exception.  At the beginning of the school year, students and teachers will develop a mission statement and a list of class expectations.  Parents will receive a copy of the school district's "Code of Student Conduct."  This Code should be read by the parents and discussed with the student.  The parent signature page must be signed and returned to school.

    Appropriate student behavior is one of the basic fundamental school principles. All students and parents are expected to abide by the school and classroom rules. In accordance with Fundamental school policy, detentions will be used as a consequence for violation of school behavior, or classroom behavior guidelines.


    Fundamental policy discipline is broken into four equal nine week periods during the year.  Discipline infractions include lack of homework, misbehavior, and lack of parent signature on class work.


    1. Written warning is sent to parent

    2. Second written warning is sent to parent.

    3. Third written warning is sent to parent.

    4. If infractions continue, detentions are given to the student.

    A referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee occurs when a student receives a total of 3 warnings plus 4 detentions during any of these periods:
    Aug. 18- Oct. 17;
    Oct. 21- Dec. 19;
    Jan. 6- March 13;
    March 17- June 2;

    Each infraction period will have 3 warnings followed by 4 detentions. Referral to Intervention and Appeals Committee will take place after the 4th detention in an infraction period.

    Detention will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-2:45 p.m. on the date assigned by the teacher. Students must report to the detention classroom no later than 2:15 p.m. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the child reports to detention. Students who report late or do not come on the assigned date will receive an additional detention. Every detention must be served on the date assigned by the teacher.

    Office Referrals:
    1. Office Referrals are cumulative throughout the year.
    2. Three office referrals will result in a referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee.
    3. Each additional office referral will result in another referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee.
    4. Severe infractions will result in immediate referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee as determined by the principal.

    Reassignment by Student Assignment Office:
    Students may be dismissed and directed to call the Student Assignment Office at any time during the school year for violations of Fundamental policy such as behavior and class work or homework policies. If the referral to the Student Assignment Office occurs based on parental infractions of Fundamental policy after May 1, the student may remain in attendance for the remainder of the school year. The family must contact the Student Assignment office for a school assignment for the following year. Only under special circumstances, approved by the principal, will a brief delay in dismissing a student be an option.


    Intervention and Appeals Committee

    The function of the Intervention and Appeals Committee (comprised of parents, teachers and the principal) is to review and enforce the following:
    1. Cases of severe or repeated discipline infractions
    2. Continued lack of compliance with homework and/or class work policy.
    3. Failure to support Fundamental school dress code.
    4. Parent absences from PTA meetings.
    5. Parent not attending required conferences.

    The committee has the option to recommend alternatives which may improve the area of concern. They may establish probation with stipulations for students or parents. If the parent or student fail to fulfill the probation stipulations, or meet the established criteria, a student can be referred to the Student Assignment Office for placement in another school. A student may be referred at any time.


    Parents/guardians may address the committee, but will not be present when the committee deliberates. The committee will make the official recommendation for any interventions deemed appropriate including probation and removal from the school. The committee will verify that appropriate procedures have been followed.


    Parents have the right to appeal a school decision. An appeal must be made in writing within 48 hours of parental notification. Parents can contact the principal for information regarding the appeal process.