Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

  • South Grosse Avenue will be the entrance for all vehicles during arrival and dismissal.  Parents must pull into the parking lot and follow the bus circle around to gain entrance.  The most efficient and least invasive route is to enter S. Grosse Ave. from Martin Luther King St.  Once through the parking lot, there will be no left turns allowed onto E. Harrison St.  Please note, the maximum speed limit in the parking lot is 5mph, and you must refrain from the use of cell phones and texting while in the car line.  In the event a person operating a vehicle is using his/her cell phone, a letter will be sent home.  Upon the receipt of the third letter, the parent will be recommended to IAC.
    Those families who qualify for carpool express (3 families) will enter the carline from 2:00-2:15 p.m.  At 2:15 p.m., all cars may enter the car line. 
    At dismissal time, it is extremely important that all students are prepared to enter their cars as they arrive.  As you pull forward, please proceed to the farthest space available to allow for optimum vehicles loading/unloading at a time.  Patrols will assist you by opening the car doors for your children.  Should you have a pet in your vehicle, it is your responsibility to restrain the pet.  Please display in your car's front window the names of the student(s) that you are picking up.  If the student is not ready to depart, the driver will be asked to leave the pick-up area and circle the block again.  There will be approximately 6-8 pick-up/drop-off stations in operation at all times.  If one car is not ready to leave, it will delay the entire process.  So, we ask for your cooperation if you are asked to move along.  We also ask parents to review these procedures with your students and carpools.
    Please do not park and leave your car unattended in the car line.  If you are planning to enter the campus, please park in the front parking lot.  Only walkers may dismiss through the 'Walker Dismissal.'
    Parents must notify the office in writing if their student will be picked up by a day care service or anyone other than the parent.  If you carpool, please notify the office in writing of any changes.  If there are severe thunderstorms or lightning in the area, or a security lockdown, we will delay dismissal.  Please be patient and understand that safety is paramount.