Parent Handbook Information

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Parents are required to attend at least one parent/teacher conference three times per year. Individual conferences will be scheduled by the teacher to discuss the student’s progress. If you are unable to attend a scheduled conference, please contact the teacher to reschedule. It is the parent’s responsibility to reschedule a canceled conference. Two attempts will be given to reschedule and then lack of attendance at the mandatory conference will result in a referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee.


    Communication with Parents

    We communicate with our parents through notes, phone calls, progress reports, report cards, principal's positive phone calls and conferences. A school newsletter is sent home each month.

    One communication folder will be provided to each child on the first day of school. These folders are sent home each Friday. They will contain newsletters, PTA and School Advisory Council bulletins, special flyers, classwork for the week, etc. Parents are required to sign and return the brown communication envelope on the next school day. When a child's envelope is lost or destroyed, parents are requested to send 25 cents to school for a replacement.

    Breakfast and Lunch

    We encourage parents to provide a well-balanced lunch if the student brings a lunch from home. Soft drinks are not permitted and sugary foods are discouraged. The school cafeteria offers a well-balanced student lunch for $2.25, and breakfast is provided at no cost to the student.  Students or parents must put money into a child's account before the school day starts, not during the actual lunch period. Parents may send in a check marked ―"cafeteria" or use the online account system at to add money to their child's account. Students who must borrow lunch money are expected to repay it the next day. Free and reduced price lunches are available to students who apply and who qualify.  Ice Cream is sold on Fridays.  One ice cream per student may be purchased.

    Parents are welcome to visit school during lunchtime and may eat with their children at the picnic tables in the courtyard or at the indoor tables in the main lobby (after checking in with the front office and cafeteria attendant).  Parents must notify teacher or front office in advance if a non-parent will be having lunch with their child. All students are expected to be seated at the picnic table area. Preschool children are welcome; however, they must be seated at the parent's side at all times.



    State law requires that all medications administered to students by school personnel be counted upon arrival at school. Prescription medications must be delivered to school by the parent in the original container with a prescription label indicating the student's name, physician's name, name of drug, dosage, etc. Parents must sign an Administration of Medication form for each prescription medication administered at school.



    Students who become ill at school are sent to the school clinic until they can be picked up by the parent. Emergency phone numbers must be on file at school in the event your student becomes ill. We attempt to prevent accidents, however, should one occur, first aid will be administered. In case of a serious accident, emergency services will be called and the parent will be notified.

    Physical Education Exemptions

    All students participate in 50 minutes of physical education three days per week.  Any extended absence (3 or more days) from P.E. must be excused in writing by the student's doctor.


    Lost and Found

    All items found should be delivered to the school office. If your child loses an item, inquiry should be made promptly. Parents are urged to mark each garment or article to make identification easier. Lunch boxes should be well marked with the child's name on the lunch box itself as well as on the thermos.