Mission, Vision and Core Beliefs

  • Core Values


    Vision Statement:

    Osceola Fundamental High School’s vision is to graduate 100% of our students, so they are prepared for college and career. 

    Mission Statement:

    Osceola Fundamental High School’s mission is to sustain an environment where staff, students, parents, and community work collaboratively to support all students in meeting or exceeding college and career readiness.  


    School-Wide Priorities

    Big Rock 1: Data Focused Teacher Planning

    Big Rock 2: Differentiated Instruction

    Big Rock 3: Purposeful Pedagogy and Implementation 


    2023-24 Goals


    ELA Goal: Students performing below proficiency (41%), will be reduced by 7%, therefore increasing students performing at proficient or above to 66%, as measured by the PM Cycle 3 ELA FAST Assessment.

    Math Goal:  For Algebra, the lower quartile of non-proficient students will move to proficiency, which will reflect a 12% reduction of non-proficient students (as measured by the Alg EOC). Additionally, the higher quartile of Level 4 students will move to Level 5, which will reflect an increase of 3% for Level 5 (as measured by the Alg EOC).

    For Geometry, the bottom quartile of all students will be reduced to 20% or below at Level 1 & 2 combined (as measured by the Geo EOC). Additionally, the upper quartile of Level 3 progressing to Level for 4 or 5 at an 8.5% increase (as measured by the Geo EOC).

    Science Goal: Students performing below proficiency (17%), will be reduced by 7%, therefore increasing students performing at proficient or above to 90%, as measured by the Biology EOC.

    Social Studies Goal: The percent of students demonstrating proficiency on the US History End of Course Exam will increase from 84% to 90%.

    ESE Goal: Students with disabilities (SWD) will increase their proficiency in ELA and Algebra:

    • ELA Proficiency will increase 5% from 45% to 50%
    • Algebra proficiency will increase 5% from 53% to 58%

    College and Career Readiness: Increase the total number of AP courses’ pass rate to meet or exceed the state and/or national average by 21.5%, bringing our school total AP course pass rate to 78.5%.



    OFHS Path to Academic Success and Warrior PRIDE


    Data Focused Teacher Planning

    Differentiated Instruction

    Purposeful Pedagogy and Implementation

    • Bi Monthly PLC (one content focused, one pedagogy focused)
    • Plan units through collaboration within PLC
    • Grounded by lesson objective (learning action, specific content, condition)
    • Incorporate formative assessments through individual lesson plans
    • Content PLC process protocol to include:
    • Assessment analysis
    • Student work samples/formative assessment results –
    • Creation of action plan/next step(s)


    • Blooms/Costa/Webb – cognitive process to align learning action (each instructional event employed)
    • Adding differentiated levels of challenge and support to instructional events
    • Creating alternative instructional events/activities through individual planning and PLCs



    • Pedagogy lead teachers and AVID site team through PLC, establish collegial community
    • Initial teacher pedagogy focus aligned with DPP
    • Showcase of implementation strategies learned through PLC (ex. demo classrooms, co-teach, model lesson, side by side, mock demo, etc..)