• OSCEOLA CLUB LISTING 2024 - 25                                                
    Club Name Sponsor - Room # Day/Time/Location
    5000 Role Models A. Blakeney - 223 once a month on Mon/1st lunches/Prin Conf Rm
    Academic Team K. Frain - P1 TBA
    Battle of the Books K. Bayes - 211 TBA
    Best Buddies K. Salmon - 157 3rd Friday after sch/Lunches in courtyard/rm 157
    Book Club R. Carroll - MC Last Friday/after school/Media Center
    Chess Club T. Fitzpatrick - 170 Wednesdays/after school/room 170
    College Club DiMaggio - 212 TBA/after school/room 212
    Culinary Club C. Long - 173  Thursdays/after school/Room 173
    Culture Club N. Lennon - P10 3rd Thursday/after school/port 10
    Drama Club K. Duchinsky - Stage TBA/after school/stage
    FBLA (Future Bus Leaders of Amer) C. Thompson - 102 TBA/after school/MC
    FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) C. Montgomery - 165 Fridays during both Lunches/Media Center
    First Priority    Valentine P12/Ferg 282 Mondays/1st L P12 and 2nd L 282
    Freshman Class Sponsor M. Martino - 220 TBA/after school/room 220
    Garden Club J. Randolph - 166 Wed/after school/room 166
    International Thespian Society K. Duchinsky - Stage TBA/after school/stage
    Interact Club M. Lewis - 226 Fridays/after school/room 226
    Junior Class Sponsor K. Nymark - FO TBA
    Key Club M. Clay - 209 TBA/after school/MC
    Medical Career Club R. Gentry - 180 1st Monday/2:00 - 2:30/room 180
    Model UN M. Valentine - P12 TBA
    Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) N. Richey - 259 students must apply
    National Art Honor Society J. Guccione - 151 students must apply
    National Black Student Alliance C. Montgomery/Coach Davis 1st/3rd Tues/during lunch/room 165
    National English Honor Society M. Sadler - 210 students must apply
    National Honor Society M. Clay - 209 students must apply
    National Science Honor Society A. Fraddosio - 267 students must apply
    National Spanish Honor Society J. Kontrick - 227  students must apply
    National Technical Honor Society J. Mattheus - 110 TBA/Meetings 4x year/room 110
    Oracle Literary magazine M. Sadler - 210 Fri after school & both lunches/room 210
    P.A.W.S. (Providing Animals with Support) L. McFadden - 263 TBA/after school/room263
    Pickleball Club M. Sadler - 210 TBA
    Principal's Multiculural Club E. Weiner - 228 Thursdays/after school/media center
    Rho Kappa (Social Studies Honor Society) R. Pile - P13 students must apply
    Robotics Club D. Fitzgerald - 112 Tues & Fri/after school till 4:00/room 112
    RPG Club (Role Playing Games) J. Mattheus - 110 TBA/afterschool till 4:00/room 110
    SADD (StudentsAgainstDestructiveDecisions) SRO TBA
    SAVE (StudentsAgainstViolenceEverywhere) H. Granger - 167 TBA
    Scholarship Club J. Long - CCC Wednesdays/after school/CCC
    Senior Class Sponsor J. Kontrick - 227 TBA
    Sophmore Class Sponsor K. Frain - P1 TBA
    Speech and Debate Honor Society B. Yarbrough - P6 TBA
    Student Government M. Clay - 209 Fridays/afterschool/room 209
    Travel Club B. Yarbrough - P6 TBA
    Tri-M Music Honor Society J. Campbell - Chorus Rm 1st Thurs/after school/chorus room
    Women in STEM T. Fox - 264 TBA