Gifted Program

  • At Skycrest we have a part-time gifted teacher on campus.  After students are identified as gifted, they attend a full day of gifted instruction outside the regular classroom.  

    For the new 2024-2025 school year, our gifted students will be clustered in their homeroom class and then go to gifted on their designated day.  

    Gifted Teacher:  Liz Auderer

    This year's theme:  TBD

    The Center for Gifted Studies is designed to meet the unique academic and social/emotional needs of gifted adolescent students. A challenging and rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum is delivered through instructional strategies that promote creative, critical, and complex thinking. Personal strengths and interests are developed through differentiated instruction, independent study, and extracurricular activities. Inquiry and investigation are used as students address relevant, real-world problems.


    Gifted Identification Process - Pinellas County Schools

    Gifted Screening Assessments:  K-BIT or NNAT administered by school personnel at school after initial request from parent or teacher is received - Results sent home from school. 

    If results are at or above 90%, further testing recommended: Packet will come home from school - Including an "Informed Consent" which will allow PCS to perform an IQ Test. 

    Results LESS than 90%, NO Further Testing Recommended