PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

  • Join the PTA logo with puzzle pieces apple

    What is PTA?

    Skycrest Elementary PTA (Parent Teacher  Association) is a non-profit association comprised of parents, family members, and staff members.  The PTA is devoted to the educational success of students, the support of teachers, and the promotion of parental involvement at Skycrest Elementary School.
    PTA Membership brochure
    Business Partner  Flyer - help support Skycrest!
    Join PTA (our goal for 24-25 is to be at 150 members):  Givebacks ( 
    Shirt orders:  Givebacks ( 


    24-25 General Meetings - all are invited:

    August 2, 2024- 9:00am


    Join PTA - no volunteer time is needed:

    2024-2025 Board Members:

    President - Jessica Wiley

    Vice President - Kevin Wiley

    Treasurer - Cathy Munn

    Secretary - Shannon Hoff

    Membership - Leah Weekes

    Spirit Wear - Leah Weekes & Dana Demetree

    Purpose:  Skycrest Elementary PTA supports the school by providing additional resources that will enhance the children’s education and provide assistance to the school and the classrooms that may not otherwise be available, if not for the support of the parents, the teachers and the local community.

    How to support our school:

    • Become a member of the PTA - provides financial assistance, can attend meetings and provide import
    • Join PTA by buying a membership - THIS IS NOT A TIME COMMITMENT 
    • Register to volunteer in a classroom or for special events
    • Purchase your child or yourself a Skycrest t-shirt
    • Support PTA activities, including: spirit nights, evening family events, fundraising, and field day
    • We are a 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization and can accept monetary donations - see flyer

    Reason #1: Your child benefits.  When parents get connected to school, children get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems.  When you build a relationship with your child’s teachers, principal, and office staff, it will be far easier to communicate about any problem (or victory) that occurs throughout the year.

    Reason #2: You will be in the know. The PTA knows what’s happening at the school, who's involved, and usually plans many of the events.

    Reason #3: You'll tap into a network. PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, to build rapport and discuss issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences to make the school year better for everyone.

    Reason #4: You can be part of the solution. By getting involved at your child’s school you can help make positive changes. PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, and social events for students.

    Reason #5: You can meet other parents.  The common bond all parents of school-aged children share is that we care about creating the best possible educational experience for our kids. We are neighbors and peers and as a result, many friendships are forged via this connection.

    Reason #6: Your child will feel a sense of pride.  Being part of PTA will, in most cases, make your kids proud of you. They may not admit it, but they will feel proud that their parents are involved in improving their school's well-being. 

    Reason #7: You can have fun while doing good.  Volunteer work shouldn’t be drudgery. Our PTA has helped in small ways (such as helping with the Book Fair) as well as big-scale projects (such as planning and attending school-wide events).

    Reason #8: Your voice can be heard.  PTA can be a way for you to more effectively help make changes at your child’s school.

    Reason #9: You can share your skills.  Your child will beam for weeks after his/her parents come to school and share a career, hobby, or even just their time helping out at the school book fair. Stay-at-home parents, as well as working parents all have individual talents they can share.

    Reason #10: You can show you care.  By becoming a PTA member, you’re also becoming a role model and demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education as well as on being involved in their world.

    Click for additional resources or to find out more about PTA - Pinellas County PTA(PCCPTA)  or Florida PTA

    The By-laws attached are for review.  Any needed changes will be voted on at a May meeting.
    This link is frequently asked questions about PTA officers.