Homework will be assigned at the teacher’s discretion. Homework is considered an integral part of the fundamental philosophy and will be reviewed upon completion by the teacher. When assigned, it is an expectation that the parent will review and sign each of the assignments for quality and accuracy. It is expected that a parent will use a full signature and not just initials. To avoid the earning of two demerits for incomplete homework, the student must complete at least 90% of the work assigned. However, it is a school expectation that the student attempt 100% of the assignment to be eligible for full credit towards the final grade of the marking period. In order to maintain high standards and to train children in good work practices, teachers will only accept papers that are clean, neat, and carefully written. Papers that are dirty, torn, or have illegible handwriting will not be given credit. Information and spelling that has been provided by the teacher or the textbook should be written correctly by the student. Illegible assignments, even if turned in, may result in the issuing of two (2) demerits and reduction of grade.

    In math, to be considered complete, the student must show the work they completed in developing their answer. A student will receive a zero (0) and two (2) demerits for their homework assignment if they fail to show how the problem was solved. Please encourage your child to do this.

    Students will earn one (1) demerit for failure to obtain a parent signature and two (2) demerits if the homework is not completed (less than 90%). 

    Homework, in-class assignments, parent signatures, school supplies, and textbooks are integral components of the fundamental school philosophy. Homework can be assigned any day of the week and communication between home and school is a must. Demerits are used to reinforce the above goals and will be assigned should the student fail to fulfill his/her obligations.

    Demerits may be assigned as follows:

    • Lack of parent signature (excluding test scores, progress reports, detention, or homework violation): 1 demerit. (Parent signature must be in pen, not a stamp or facsimile.)
    • Lack of materials, including computer: 1 demerit
    • Missing/Incomplete homework: 2 demerits *
    • No band/orchestra/guitar instrument or music: 2 demerits
    • No PE dress-out clothing: 2 demerits Lack of Literacy Time Book: 1 demerit
    • Not Completing McGraw Hill, Algebra Nation, Kahn Academy, IXL math, IXL Reading, Cognitive Tutor, etc. : 2 demerits


    *If a long-term assignment is incomplete or missing, a demerit may be earned in addition to the daily homework demerits. (Examples: weekly band practice cards due each Monday, or book report that was assigned several weeks prior)

    Every effort will be made to stamp the student’s planner during the class on the date in which the demerit was received. However, stamping the planner is simply a courtesy - not required. A student will still receive demerits if he/she forgets the homework, even though the parent brings the work to him/her after school has begun.

    The process regarding demerits is as follows:

    Six (6) demerits in one grading period, in one class, will result in a Notice of Academic Violation. Parents are required to sign the violation notice and have it returned to the teacher when the class next meets. Failure to return the violation notice on time will result in a detention and can lead to an IAC referral.

    Should six (6) additional demerits be earned in the same class, resulting in a total of 12 or more demerits, the student will be referred to the Intervention and Appeals Committee (IAC). Students earning three (3) Notice of Academic Violations in any one marking period are considered earning excessive demerits and will result in a referral to IAC. Students are expected to be prepared to learn and attentive to the teacher’s instructions.