• National Junior Honor Society 

    SponsorsMs. Stephanie Sagan and Ms. Osborn

    Membership in National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an honor bestowed upon a student. A Faculty Advisory Council determines membership based on outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship. Once selected, members must continue to demonstrate these qualities. NJHS violations, chapter procedures for selection, discipline and dismissal of members will be reviewed by the Faculty Advisory Council. The Faculty Advisory Council consists of five faculty members who are appointed annually by the principal. 

    Scholarship requires demonstration of the character, qualities, activity, and attainment of a learned person. To be eligible for membership consideration, students must be in the eighth grade and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.50, on a 4.0 scale. The grade point average will be determined by averaging the final grades from the student’s sixth and seventh grade report cards. Grade point averages will not be rounded up (e.g., 3.45 GPA would not qualify). Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester. (On the basis of recommendation by the previous principal, the Faculty Council may waive the semester regulation.)

    A student who exercises leadership is one who inspires positive behavior in others and exemplifies a positive attitude.

    Service is defined as active assistance benefiting others in the community. NJHS service projects shall be well planned, organized, and executed; they shall fulfill a need within the school or community; they must have the support and sanction of the CFMS administration and Faculty Council; and the projects shall be appropriate and educationally defensible. Appropriate examples include, but are not limited to, tutoring programs, reading programs for younger students, charity fundraising, blood drives, serving meals at food banks, and servicing the needs of the elderly in the community to which they are not being compensated.

    In order to qualify for membership, applicants to NJHS must document at least twenty (20) hours of service in the calendar year prior to the beginning of the eighth grade. Once inducted, members shall be required to participate in one or more chapter service projects during their 8th grade year. In addition, each member shall have the responsibility of choosing and participating in an individual service project reflecting his or her particular talents and interests. This project will require at least twenty (20) verified hours of community service during the course of the eighth grade year, ten (10) of which must be completed by the first semester deadline set by the adviser. All members are expected to attend NJHS meetings. Members who arrive more than 15 minutes late shall be considered absent, and more than two (2) meeting absences may result in dismissal from NJHS. Unique or extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Faculty Council on a case-by-case basis.

    Character is defined as demonstrating the highest standards of honesty and reliability. A student receiving any of the items noted below (during the course of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years combined) would not be considered eligible for admission or continued membership in NJHS:

    • A disciplinary referral • Disciplinary probation following IAC activity 
    • A “U” in conduct from any one teacher 
    • An “N” in conduct from more than one teacher 
    • Three (3) Notices of Academic Violation (walks) 
    • Three (3) Notices of Discipline Violations (detentions) 
    •  Any discipline violation related to honesty (including but not limited to cheating, forgery, or lying) 
    •  An out-of-school suspension

    The Faculty Council may choose to consider the severity of an infraction when determining a student’s eligibility.

    A student who demonstrates citizenship has a high regard for freedom and justice. Any student knowingly participating in bullying, teasing, threatening, or hazing will not be considered for membership.

    The Faculty Council will consider applications for membership at the beginning of the student’s 8th grade year. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship as described above and must submit a written essay related to the qualities of NJHS scholars. Applications will be made available to students at the end of their 7th grade year.

    If, after a student has been selected but before the formal induction, the student is involved in an incident placing his or her qualifications in question, induction will not take place until the Faculty Council reevaluates his or her standing. After a student has been inducted as a member, any incident which places his or her qualifications in question will be reviewed by the Faculty Council.

    A flagrant violation of the Code of Student Conduct or the law (including but not limited to vandalism, fighting, stealing or cheating) will be grounds for non-selection or immediate dismissal by the Faculty Council.

    Members who fall below the standards serving as the basis for their selection shall be required to attend a hearing before the Faculty Council for consideration of dismissal. For purposes of dismissal, a majority vote of the Faculty Council is required. A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision of the Faculty Council by submitting a written letter of appeal to the principal within 48 hours of notification. Neither the National Council nor the state or regional affiliates shall serve as an appeal board for local chapter non-selection or dismissal cases. Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership in NJHS or for its benefits.

    A complete copy of the NJHS by-laws is available on the CFMS website or upon request from the front office. The NJHS Constitution is available at the NJHS website (www.njhs.us).


Last Modified on September 9, 2024