• Fundamental Meeting Requirements - 2024-2025 School Year
    To show support for the school, parent/guardian attendance at either Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or School Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings are required.  CFMS has no make-up policy for the 2024-2025 school year.  You must attend either a PTA or a SAC meeting each month.  
    • Each attendee may represent only one family.  
    • If circumstances arise which make it impossible for a parent to attend a required meeting, a representative (18 years or older, not representing another CFMS family) may be sent.  If a parent needs to exercise this option, he/she must call the office of the principal by the morning of the meeting day.  It is the parent's responsibility to make the representative aware of all obligations.  
    • Attendees are expected to arrive on time for meetings. PTA/SAC attendance credit will not be given to anyone arriving 15 or more minutes late.
    • Attendees must stay until the meeting is adjourned to receive credit for attendance.  No exceptions. This is a fundamental policy.  
    • Meetings are intended for adults only.  Any children in attendance must sit with their parents.
    2024-2025 Options for Meeting Attendance Requirement:
    #  Month  SAC Option  PTA Option  PTA Meeting Topic
     1  Aug/Sept Tuesday, September 10 
    Thursday, August 8 (6th BTSN) 4:00-6:00 pm 
     Thursday, September 12 (7th/8th BTSN) 6:00-7:30 pm 
     2  October  Thursday, October 10   Tuesday, October 15 (6 pm, Gym) 
     3  November  *Thursday, November 14   *Tuesday, November 19 (6 pm, Gym)  TBA
     4  January   Thursday,  January 9   Tuesday, January 21 (6 pm, Gym)  TBA
     5  February   Thursday, February 13   Tuesday, February 18 (6 pm, Gym) 


     6  March   Thursday, March 13   Tuesday, March 25 (6 pm, Gym)  TBA
     7  April  *Thursday, April 10   *Tuesday, April 15 (6 pm, Gym)  TBA
     8  May 

     *Thursday, May 8 

     Tuesday, May 13 (6 pm, Gym) 
    *If a November, April, or May concert is offered for CFMS students only, the parent may attend a concert that month in lieu of attending a PTA or SAC meeting for that month.

    **If a parent would like to register as a volunteer and sign up for a duty station twice a month (30 minutes each time), that can also be used in lieu of a PTA meeting for that month. Volunteer shifts must be completed in the month the parent is looking for meeting credit to count. Arrangements must be made prior to the day of volunteering through the volunteer coordinator.

    Volunteers must sign in and sign out at the front office each time they participate in a duty station. PTA committee work and field trips are other possibilities to earn credit for a month.

    The procedure for unattended meetings is:

    • After one (1) missed a meeting, a reminder/intervention level 1 letter will be mailed to the family.
    • After two (2) missed meetings, the family will be placed on probation/intervention level 2.
    • A third (3) missed meeting during one school year results in a referral to the Intervention and Appeals Committee/intervention level 3.
    • If a family is reassigned for nonattendance of parent meetings, they may not reapply to any fundamental middle school.