• Tardy Policy: Any student not in class when the bell rings is tardy. If a student is locked out from a building where their class is located, they will need to report to a tardy kiosk to receive a consequence and pass.  If a student is inside a building where their class is located and is tardy to their class, they will sign the teachers tardy log.  After signing the tardy log three times per a teachers class, the student will be directed to the tardy kiosk to receive a consequence and pass.  Any student five minutes tardy or longer will need to report to the tardy kiosk for a consequence. 


    Tardies reset each quarter of the school year. 


              Detentions: Detentions are one hour after school in the cafeteria.  Failure to serve a detention will result in extra school.

    Extra School: Extra School is two hours after school in the cafeteria.  Failure to serve extra school will result in an Alternative Bell Schedule (ABS).

    Alternative Bell Schedule:  ABS runs from 12:45 to 5pm.  Students attend ABS in lieu of attending the regular school day.  It is an alternative to suspension.