Regular Grading Scale

  • The grading system and interpretation of letter grades used in high school, and in high school courses taken in middle school, shall be as follows:



    Grading Scale

    I = 0 grade points (Incomplete)

    A student receiving a grade of Incomplete (I) in a course(s) during any grading period shall have a period of three (3) weeks after his return to school to make up any work missed that is needed for the teacher to be able to assign an appropriate grade. Any incomplete grade will revert to an "F" if the student does not make up the work missed within the three (3) weeks of returning to school. Extensions of time may be granted by the principal for the final grading period of the year.


Weighted Grading Scale

  • Weighted-grade systems give students a numerical advantage for grades earned in higher-level courses or more challenging learning experiences, such as Honors courses, Advanced Placement courses, or Dual Enrollment courses. The term quality points may be used in reference to the additional weight given to weighted grades. In the case of students who have completed courses considered to be more challenging than regular courses, the general purpose of a weighted grade is to give these students a numerical advantage when determining relative academic performance and related honors such as honor roll or class rank. This is how students build their Weighted GPA.

    Weighted Grade Scale

FAQ About Grades

  • 1. How can a parent/guardian check student grades/progress?

    Parents/guardians and students can check progress on FOCUS at any time. If there are questions or concerns, parents/guardians should connect with classroom teachers as soon as possible to discuss and collaboratively put a plan in place to support student progress.


    2. Who enters and issues student grades?

    Classroom teachers remain responsible for assessing student progress and issuing student grades. Should you have a concern about a grade your student has earned, you should first contact the teacher to find out how the grade was calculated. If you still have concerns, contact your student's assigned administrator.


    3. What will teachers consider and utilize when determining student grades?

    Just as done throughout the school year, teachers will assess and consider the completion, accuracy and quality of student assignments. Teachers will provide students with multiple opportunities to complete work and/or demonstrate mastery of content. Teachers will also consider how students have demonstrated their knowledge in small group or one-on-one interactions throughout digital instruction.


    4. There has been a big change in student performance, what should I do?

    As grades are reviewed and assigned during the final grading period, teachers and parents/guardians should reflect on student performance as compared to the other grading periods. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to ensure open and ongoing communication. Just as done throughout the school year, reaching out via phone and/or email to schedule time to have a virtual conference to collaboratively and proactively plan for success is always in best interest of students.