Summer School

  • Credit Recovery / Summer School

    Summer School, an extension of the Extended Learning Program (ELP), is credit recovery offered on our campus during the summer, usually starting the week after school lets out and continuing through the end of July, with no classes on July 4th.


    Any student who fails a class that is required for graduation must retake the class to recover the credit.  All core courses (i.e., English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) are open to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Please know that only grades of D and F are eligible for forgiveness, with the exception of C's earned in high school classes that are taken in middle school.


    Courses will be taken via APEX – a computer-based credit recovery program that allows students to work at their own pace until the subject matter is mastered. Students are not required to stay the entire summer session if they finish recovering their credits earlier.

    If you have questions or need to be registered to attend Summer School, contact your counselor.


    This is not to be confused with the Summer Bridge ProgramThis is a different program that runs concurrently with Summer School.