• Welcome to Assistive Technology

    Assistive Technology (AT) supports the needs of students with IEPs and 504 plans and includes a team-based problem-solving process that occurs at the school level. AT helps students to achieve academic goals and access their curriculum. The goal of AT is to help a student perform classroom tasks

    • more easily and efficiently
    • in the least restrictive environment
    • more independently

    School-Based Assistive Technology Process

    School-based teams must annually consider whether a student with a disability requires an AT solution. Consideration is a discussion that takes place during the IEP/504 team meeting using known information (classroom observations, student perception, data collection, student progress, screening or evaluation results, etc.). This information allows for an informed decision regarding the following:

    • AT is not needed at this time
    • continuing use of current AT
    • discontinuing use of current AT that is no longer serving its purpose
    • trying different AT solutions

    Choosing the best technology for a student with a disability requires time and patience. The SETT Framework, adopted internationally, helps teams gather and organize information that can be used to guide collaborative decision-making. The SETT Framework always begins with the individual needs of the Student, the current educational Environment, and the specific Tasks the student is unable to do because of the disability. The right Tool depends upon the information gathered. SETT Framework

    PCS District Assistive Technology Support

    PCS Assistive Technology Specialists provide resources and the staff training necessary so that students with disabilities can engage in appropriate educational experiences and communicate what they know. AT Specialists are available to collaborate with school staff members and parents to brainstorm solutions for students with mild disabilities such as learning disabilities or more significant cognitive or physical disabilities. Assistive technology solutions may encompass the areas of reading, writing, math, organization, physical access to technology, and communication systems and devices.

    In addition, PCS Assistive Technology Specialists operate a lending library of devices and software for students who do not have technology assigned to them through the district 1:1 initiative or who may need different or additional technologies unavailable at their school, for example, communication devices or switches. The devices and software can be used for evaluations, trials, or for a long-term loan.

    For AT supports for reading, writing, math, organization, or physical access, go to the AT for Academics Page.

    For AT supports for communication, go to the AT for Communication Page.

    For AT supports for the Visually Impaired, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, or Occupational and Physical Therapy, click on the corresponding link in the navigation bar to the left.


                                                          hampelm@pcsb.org                                   goehrigl@pcsb.org