Report on Progress - August 2012

  • Bradley v Pinellas County Schools
     Memoranda of Understanding
    Report on Progress – August 2012

    To date, three Memoranda of Understandings (MOU) in the area of Quality of Education have been negotiated and approved by the plaintiffs and School Board. The MOUs in place to date include: Student Achievement, Student Discipline, Assignment to Programs and Classes, and Administrative Staff Assignment and Faculty.

    Each MOU includes provision for semiannual meetings (February and July) of both parties to provide data updates and review progress toward aspirational goals and means and methods set forth in the memoranda. This report and supporting data includes the following elements referenced in the MOU.

    Student Achievement
    • Evidence of School Improvement Plans including data on black student achievement relative to white and other students in general, strategies and interventions to improve black student achievement, and school-based individuals responsible for implementation
    • Equitable allocation of resources
    • Data to support the above using district data systems such as EDS/Portal/Reporting Services

    Student Discipline (Behavior)
    • Evidence of School Improvement Plans including data on black student discipline relative to white and other students in general, behavioral strategies and interventions to improve student behavior and school-based individuals responsible for implementation
    • Evidence of schoolwide behavior plans to include positive behavioral supports and professional development in the implementation of the plan through the use of data for identifying the underlying causes of negative behavior through problem solving (PS/RtI:B)
    • Data to support the above using district data systems such as EDS/Portal/Reporting Services.

    Assignment to Programs and Classes
    • Evidence of School Improvement Plans including data relative to assignment of students by race to exceptional education programs, accelerated classes, district application programs, AVID, and/or gifted programs, means and methods to achieve continuous improvement and school- based staff responsible for implementation.
    • Data related to black student participation in exceptional education programs, accelerated
    classes, magnet/application programs, AVID, and gifted services.

    Administrative Staff Assignment and Faculty
    A new MOU regarding Administrative Staff Assignment and Faculty has been finalized and approved by the School Board on January 24, 2012. This MOU has an annual reporting date

    of October and data related to implementation of the means and measures will be presented separately at that time.

    Quality of Education – Student Achievement

    FCAT Results

    The disaggregated student achievement data for 1999 -2011 is reported by the Florida Department of Education in the annual Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports for the district and individual schools and can be accessed at The state has not yet published 2012 AYP reports. When the state releases the Adequate Yearly Progress data the annual three year longitudinal AYP charts will be prepared by PCS Assessment, Accountability, and Research Department. Additional FCAT demographic data for 2010-2011 is available through the FCAT Demographic Report website and can be accessed at The state has not yet published 2012 demographic data.

    In 2011 Students in Florida were assessed on FCAT 2.0. The 2011 results were based on based on FCAT Equivalent scores. In 2012 new levels were established for FCAT 2.0. The state then ‘retrofitted’ the
    2011 scores by applying the new 2012 levels to the 2011 results. Retrofitted FCAT data for 2011 can be
    found through the Florida Department of Education website The PCS Assessment, Accountability, and Research Department used the same retrofitting process, applying 2012 levels to 2011 scores. The report ‘Retrofitted 2011 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math’ reports results sorted by race for the district and by school. ‘2012 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math’ reports 2012 results sorted by race for the district and by school.

    Supporting Data

    • Retrofitted 2011 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math and 2012 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math District and by School (Awaiting final files from AAR) there will be 5 files
       o 2011 Retrofitted and 2012 FCAT Reading District Level
       o 2011 Retrofitted and 2012 FCAT Math District Level
       o 2011 Retrofitted FCAT Reading School Level
       o 2012 FCAT Reading School Level
       o 2011 Retrofitted FCAT Math School Level
       o 2012 FCAT Math School Level
    FLDOE Two Year Annual Measureable Objectives (AMO’s) Reading
    FLDOE Two Year Annual Measureable Objectives (AMO’s) Math

    Graduation Rate
    Official Graduation Rate data becomes available from the FDOE in October each year and will be included in the February/March Bradley MOU Report.

    With the pending change from Florida using the National Governor’s Association (NGA) graduation rate to the new Federal graduation rate, historical and preliminary data is presented below.

    During the four year period from 2008 to 2011 the National Governors’ Association (NGA) graduation rate for black students has increased from 53.33% to 63.81%. Supporting data is provided disaggregating the graduation rates by race and gender at the district and school level.

    New U.S. Department of Education regulations require each state to calculate a four-year adjusted cohort rate, which includes standard diplomas but excludes GEDs, both regular and adult, and special diplomas. Another difference in the new rate is that adult education transfers will count as non-graduates, rather than simply a transfer out of the cohort. This new rate is referred to as the Federal Graduation Rate and the U.S. Department of Education is adopting this calculation method in an effort to streamline graduation rate calculations to acquire uniform, accurate, and comparable rates across all states. States must begin calculating the new graduation rate by 2010-11, and states must implement the federal graduation rate in determining Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status beginning with 2011-12 assessment data. The Federal Graduation Rate reduces the 2010-2011overall Pinellas graduation rate from 80.1% to 65.2%. The previous NGA graduation rate reports are attached for historical comparison purposes; however the new Federal Gradation Rate will be used for future reports. District and school level federal graduation rate data disaggregated by race and gender is now available for the 2010-11 school year and is provided below. Graduation Rate reports for 2011-12 are scheduled to be published in Late November or Early December 2012.

    Supporting Data

    National Governo rs’ As sociati on (NGA) Rate:

    2007-2011 Grate District Report - NGA - Breakdown By Race And Gender.pdf

    Federal Graduation Rate:

    FedGradRate-1011 _FLDOE Report_Feb_2012.pdf
    2011 Grate District Report - Federal Rate - Breakdown By Race And Gender.pdf
    GRATE SCHOOL BREAKDOWN 2010-11_FINAL REPORT_Report_Ready_Federal Rate.pdf
    College Readiness Scores
    SAT and ACT scores become available from the College Board and ACT in September and will be included in the February/March Bradley MOU Report.

    Supporting Data
    • ACT Trends 2011.pdf
    • SAT Trends 2011.pdf

    Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

    The district Student Data File is provided by the College Board in mid to late July each year and requires some additional formatting and analysis by Pinellas County Schools. This preliminary process has taken place at the time of this report. The number of Advanced Placement exams taken by black students in Pinellas continues to increase. In 2012, 500 black students took one of more AP exam, up from 491 in 2011, an increase of 9 students. These 500 students took a total of 752 AP exams in 2012, down from 753 in 2011, an decrease of 1 exam. The percentage
    of black students earning AP exam scores of 3 and showed a slight decline from 14.5% in 2011 to
    14.0% in 2012. The district percentage of students earning exam scores of 3 showed a slight increase from 41.7% to 42.0%.

    Supporting Data
    Longitudinal AP Exam Report 2012
    5 year AP Exam Comparison All High Schools through May 2012

    School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    As the MOU requires, each school is to include data on black student achievement relative to white and other students in general, strategies and interventions to improve black student achievement and school-based individuals responsible for implementation. This requirement is communicated annually to all school principals during annual SIP technical assistance. Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, SIP technical assistance and monitoring is coordinated through
    the district Assessment, Accountability, and Research (AAR) Department.

    The 2012 FDOE template used by all Pinellas schools has been designed to support the inclusion of data disaggregated by race for reading, math, writing and graduation rate. The SIP template also includes a table to indicate strategies and interventions and responsible individuals to address black student achievement. All School Improvement Plans this year focus on three areas:

    • Standards Based Instruction
    • Student Engagement
    • Differentiation of Instruction and Interventions
    The district supported schools by providing all schools with their individual school data pre- populated into the state School Improvement Plan template. All School Improvement Plans had additional goals included into the plans which addressed the areas defined by the Bradley Memorandums of Understanding.

    The following goals were written into each School Improvement Plan:
    • There will be an increase in black students’ achievement
    • There will be an increase in black students’ engagement

    High Schools also included:
    • There will be an increase in the percent of black students enrolled in rigorous advanced coursework
    • There will be an increase in the performance of black students in rigorous advanced coursework
    • There will be an increase in black students graduation rate

    Each goal has a measure and specific strategies assigned to the goal. In addition to the School Improvement Plan measures and strategies, schools are working to develop an action plan. The action plan allows schools to identify and continuously monitor the specific action steps used in the 2012-13 school year to implement the strategies included in the School Improvement Plan.

    The following table outlines the measures and strategies for each of the goals included in the
    School Improvement Plan.

    Goal Measure of Current Status (current level) Measure of Goal (expected level) Strategy to Achieve the Goal Process Used to Determine Effectiveness of Strategy
    There will be an increase in black students achievement Reading and Math proficiency on FCAT
    Learning Gains for black students
    100% of black students will make Learning Gains

    Differentiated Instruction

    Professional Development includes equity and cultural responsiveness

    Content materials are differentiated by student interests, cultural background, prior knowledge of content, and skill level.

    Content materials are appropriately scaffolded to meet the needs of diverse learners.

    There will be an increase in black students engagement Referral; In-School and Out-of-School Suspensions Decrease the number and percent of black students receiving Referrals and In-School and Out-of-School Suspensions Positive behavior supports are put in place in the form of an effective school wide behavior plan

    Expectations are clearly and positively defined.

    Behavioral expectations are taught and reviewed with all students and staff.

    Appropriate behaviors are acknowledged.
    Behavioral errors are proactively corrected.
    A database for keeping records and making decisions is established. Data-based monitoring and adaptations to the plan are regularly conducted.

    Goal Measures of Current Status (current level) Measures of Goal (expected level) Strategies to Achieve the Goal Process Used to Determine Effectiveness of Strategy

    There will be an increase in the percent of black students enrolled in rigorous advanced coursework

    There will be an increase in the performance of black students in rigorous advanced coursework

    Number and percent of black students enrolled in Honors, Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses Increase number and percent of black students enrolled in Honors, Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses.
    Increase passing rate of black students in
    Honors, Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses.

    Differentiated Instruction

    Professional Development includes equity and cultural responsiveness

    Models, examples and questions are appropriately scaffolded to meet the needs of diverse learners.
    Teachers provide small group instruction to target specific learning needs. These small groups are flexible and change with the content, project and assessments.
    Students are provided opportunities to demonstrate or express knowledge and understanding in different ways, which includes varying degrees of difficulty.
    There will be an increase in black students graduation rate Graduation rate of black students (pending release of state graduation rates) Increase graduation rate of black students

    Differentiated Instruction

    Implement High-Yield Instructional Strategies

    Student readiness for learning occurs by connecting instructional objectives and goals to students’ background knowledge, interests, personal goals, etc.
    Explicit Instruction, Modeled Instruction, Guided Practice with teacher support and feedback, Guided Practice with peer support and feedback, and Independent Practice occur.

    Support on developing a complete School Improvement and Action Plan was provided to all school based leadership during the spring. All schools attended at least one session. Support was again provided to all principals and assistant principals at the August 6th Leadership Meeting.
    Additionally, schools receiving an F or three Ds in a row as a school grade, met with the Turn Around Officer and the Senior Coordinator of Accountability to review processes for School Improvement and align state and district support in July. Later in July, schools receiving an F or D school grade, attended state supported Differentiated Accountability Academy, where time was allocated to review data and develop their School Improvement Plans.
    Ongoing monitoring and support of the implementation of School Improvement Plans and the Action Plans are overseen by the Area Superintendents. F and D schools have additional monitoring and support from the state Regional Executive Team.

    Individual 2012-2013 school SIPs are due October 19, 2012 and may be accessed at by selecting Pinellas, the individual school and clicking the view school improvement plan (read only) link.

    Like previous years, school improvement plans were reviewed by peers. This required each school improvement plan to be reviewed by another school based administrator. The review included a peer review checklist which required each plan to have goals and objectives for the continuous improvement of Black students in the areas of reading, writing, math, science, graduation, relative rate of discipline, and enrollment in advanced courses.
    In addition to the peer review checklist, two professional development trainings were provided
    to school based administrators on how to analyze the data and develop their school improvement plans. This included the reading, writing, math, science, graduation rates, discipline, and enrollment in advanced coursework objectives for Black students.

    Supporting Data
    Sample 2012-2013 PCS High School SIP Template (Bradley Goals on pages 68-76)
    SIP Peer Review Checklist 2012-2013 Final

    Equitable Allocation of Resources
    Through a variety of local, state, and federal funding sources such as Title I, schools with large populations of black students receive additional human and financial resources.

    Resources are allocated to provide differentiated funding for schools identified as Priority (F grade), Focus (D grade), elementary schools identified in the lowest 100 in the state based on FCAT reading performance and schools receiving School Improvement Grant (SIG) funds. In
    2012-13 elementary schools identified in the lowest 100 in reading are required to extend the

    school day by one hour to provide additional instruction in reading. These schools are identified in the tiered support document included in this support. The year 3 $1.5 million School Improvement Grant (SIG) will continue to support the 4 high schools identified in the lowest 5%. The $2,285,000 Cohort II SIG for Fairmount Park, Lakewood, and Woodlawn elementary schools is entering year 2.

    Supporting Data

    Quality of Education – Student Discipline (Behavior)

    Suspension Report
    The indicator of discipline required as a goal in the FDOE School Improvement Plan template is suspensions, both out-of-school and in-school suspensions. Pinellas County Schools’ Research and Accountability Office has developed yearly suspension reports since 2006. A supplemental suspension report is compiled to specifically compare black and non-black students. These reports are based on historically archived data on a date certain for each report. The main report includes changes from the previous year and these reports are the most consistent and reliable suspension data available. All the suspension reports are posted on the district
    Research and Accountability website and the links to all of the current and past year reports can be found with the supporting data below.

    The 2011-12 Main Out of School Suspension Report indicates that the total number of black student suspensions increased by 330, from 8,726 in 2011 to 9,056 in 2012. The total number of unique individual black students suspended declined by 86, from 4,020 in 2011 to 3.934 in 2012. This report also disaggregates suspensions by race by grade levels. Additional reports for individual schools detailing total black student suspensions and individual black students suspended are also included below. All suspension reports can be found on the PCS Research and Accountability web page at the link below.

    Supporting Data
    2010-11 Main Out of School Suspension Report
    2010-11 Total Number of Suspensions - Black vs Non-Black
    2010-11 Individual Suspensions – Black vs Non-Black
    Suspension Reports Web Page – PCS Research & Accountability

    Discipline Trends
    During Bradley mediation, a graphical report of Discipline Trends including suspension and arrest data from the Educational Data Solutions (EDS) system has been shared in recent years. This report was designed by the Directors of School Operations (a position that no longer exists in Pinellas County Schools) and has been compiled by staff in the Technology Information

    Services (TIS) office. This report is included for consistency with previous Bradley MOU Reports. Data in the two reports may vary slightly as the TIS graphical report is developed from dynamic data pulled on a specific day and not the same “date certain” used for the Research and Accountability Suspension Reports.

    Based on the TIS graphical Discipline Trends Report, the total number of in-school suspensions for black students declined by 2,233, from 23,135 to in 2011 to 20,902 in 2012. The total number of out-of-school suspensions increased from by 357 from 8,759 in 2011 to 9,116 in 2012. Disaggregated black and non-black data is provided for the district and individual schools. The data provided includes suspensions, arrests, most common incidents resulting in suspensions and the number of days suspended by incident type. The number of black student arrests for campus related incidents declined by 96, from 523 in 2010 to 427 in 2011.

    Supporting Data

    Disciplinary Reassignments and Expulsions
    The Area Superintendent Offices have developed summary reports related to reassignments and expulsions. Disaggregated data by race is included for the past five years. The total number of student reassignments declined by 45 students, from 521 in 2011 to 476 in 2012. The total number of black students reassigned declined by 20 students, from 235 in 2011 to 215 in 2012. The total number of student expulsions remained at 20 in 2012. The total number of black student expulsions decreased by 5 2 students, from 11 in 2011 to 7 in 2012.

    Supporting Data
    2011-2012 Reassignment Summary
    2011-2012 Expulsion Summary

    School Improvement Plans
    As required by the MOU, each school is to include data on black student discipline relative to white and other students in general, behavioral strategies and interventions to improve student behavior and school-based individuals responsible for implementation.

    Supporting Data
    Information on the Bradley MOU SIP goal requirements and the 2011-13 SIP Template can be found above in the Student Achievement section of this report.

    Schoolwide Behavior Plans and Response to Intervention: Behavior (RtI:B) Implementation
    Pinellas County Schools has developed a district wide Tier 1 positive behavioral support plan that aligns to Problem Solving Response to Intervention. In 2010 all School Based Leadership

    Teams (SBLT) participated in training to build capacity to implement a School wide behavior plan that positively supports all students. The schools developed an action plan and designated an RtI: Behavior Facilitator. In September of each year, all schools submit a School-wide Behavior Pan to their Area Superintendent. The School-wide Behavior Plan template is included below as supporting data. Plans are due to the Area Superintendents by September 21, 2012.

    The school-based RtI: Behavior Facilitators attend training to gain extensive knowledge on how to implement the plan with fidelity. These trainings are provided by the district-wide RtI: Behavior Coordinators. During these sessions, schools are taught how to progress monitor and review data to ensure fidelity of implementation. Data is obtained by all schools on the PBS Implementation Checklist (PIC) and the Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ). These results are shared with all stake holders.

    The PBS Implementation Checklist (PIC) is completed by each school in October and February to assess each SBLT’s PBS implementation level and is reported in the February/March Bradley MOU Report.

    The Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) assesses the development and implementation of school - wide RtI: Behavior. The BOQ Lists 53 Benchmarks of Quality in school-wide RtI: Behavior programs within 10 critical elements. This document is completed by school teams at the end of each school year to identify areas of strength and weakness. The BOQ is used by the district to guide technical assistance and training, identify model schools and evaluate outcomes related to level of implementation. Schools reaching the 70% level overall or for individual critical elements are considered to be implementing with fidelity.

    Included below is a summary of the Benchmarks of Quality assessment used to monitor implementation of PS/RtI: B including the specific benchmarks assessed in each of the ten critical elements. Also included are graphs of aggregating the BOQ responses across all participating schools in the district, and graphs for schools by level/type.

    The data included in the 2011-2012 report displays the data from two years of school- wide implementation. This year the Florida Positive Behavior Support Project has eliminated the baseline score from 2009-2010. If schools have implemented PBS for more than two years the graphs will reflect three years of implementation data. The FLPBS Project recommends determining fidelity by comparing years of full implementation without baseline data.
    The data indicates that across all schools the total average score has increased from 70% in
    2010-11 to 73% in 2011-2012. The district wide 73% average score indicates that on average, schools are implementing PS/RtI: B with fidelity. BOQ graphs for each participating school are also included.

    Supporting Data
    2012-2013 School Wide Behavior Plan template

    BOQ Critical Elements Description
    2010-12 BOQ Charts by School Level
    2010-12 BOQ Charts by Individual School

    Quality of Education – Programs and Classes

    School Improvement Plans
    Each school is to include data relative to assignment of students by race to exceptional education programs, accelerated classes, countywide programs, AVID, and/or gifted programs, means and methods to achieve continuous improvement and school-based staff responsible for implementation. Individual schools selected the type of courses or programs to address in their SIP based on the programs and courses offered at the school. Some schools may have addressed magnet or fundamental programs, while others addressed accelerated course participation or students assigned to exceptional student education programs.

    Supporting Data
    Information on the Bradley MOU SIP goal requirements and the 2011-13 SIP Template can be found above in the Student Achievement section of this report.

    Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Classes (including EBD and Gifted)
    2010-11 district ESE participation data is compiled in February of each school year after the start of the second semester and will be included in the February/March Bradley MOU Report.

    Supporting Data
    • Bradley ESE Enrollment Trends 2011
    • School Gifted count by Ethnicity

    Accelerated Classes

    Enrollment of students in accelerated classes is compiled in February of each school year after the start of the second semester and will be included in the February/March Bradley MOU Report. These courses include middle school advanced, middle school honors, Algebra I in middle school, high school honors, high school dual enrollment and high school Advanced Placement (AP).

    Supporting Data
    • Black Enrollment Gaps - Bradley Data 2011-12
    • Bradley Multi-Year Rigorous Course Enrollment All Middle and High Schools 2011-12
    • Bradley 2011-2012 Summary MS HS Duplicated Course Enrollment.xlsx
    • Bradley 2011-2012 Summary MS HS Unduplicated Course Enrollment.xlsx

    District Application Programs (DAP) (Magnets, Fundamentals, Career Academies)

    A category for tracking enrollment and dismissal in these programs is included in the Portal student information system to provide more precise data by application program.

    The application and acceptance period for district application programs was conducted in January and February of 2012 and parents have the ability to make late applications during the remainder of the school year, summer, and into the next school year. A proximity preference is included in the School Board Policy for the application program process to give students living nearest to schools with some of these programs, located in predominantly black neighborhoods a priority for open seats. The proximity preference is applied after the feeder pattern, sibling and/or professional courtesy preferences already in existence have been applied.
    For the 2011-12 school year, students exiting from magnet and fundamental programs were tracked within the Portal system in the application programs exit reason data element. This provides a mechanism to monitor students exiting from these programs by race and dismissal reason. Data for the total number of dismissals in the student information system by reason for exit is provided for the past two years. Given that this is a relatively new data element in the student information system, the dismissal and reason may not always be entered at the school of dismissal. This makes year to year comparisons difficult at this time. We are working to
    insure the staff inputting this data are properly trained so the data is recorded with fidelity.
    For 2012-2013, the Student Information System is being upgraded to automatically bring up the dismissal entry categories when a student is being withdrawn from a District Application Program to increase the reliability of this reporting.

    Based on data from the district application process for the 2012-13 school year, 23% of all applications were made by black students, 19% of invitations were offered to black students, and 20% of all acceptances were black students.

    Supporting Data
    2012-13 Program applications, invitations, and acceptances by ethnicity
    2010-11 All Application Program by ethnicity and category
    2011-12 All Application Program by ethnicity and category

    Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
    The AVID program is expanding from 23 middle and high schools in 2010-2011 to 30 schools in
    2011-2012 including all 16 traditional high schools and 15 of the 19 traditional middle schools. The remaining middle schools will be added in 2012-2013.

    Enrollment of students in AVID classes is compiled in February of each school year after the start of the second semester and will be included in the February/March Bradley MOU Report.

    Supporting Data
    • Longitudinal AVID Enrollment Summary 2011-2012
    • AVID breakdown 2011-12