
    robotics stem 2024.pdf 

    OMS Golden Ticket.pdf 

    Parent Update for the Week of 8/26/24

    Good afternoon Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun your weekly updates.  First off, I want to thank all the families who were able to make it out for our annual Back to School Night.  We had a great turnout, and we all were excited to meet and get to better know all our new and returning Chief Families.  Thanks again for your engagement and support!

    Looking ahead to next week, we have a rather quiet week.  Wednesday will be our first Student Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting at 5:30 pm in our media center followed by our PTSA after at approximately 6pm.  All families are welcome to attend to learn about all we are doing this year to even better improve our school and be part of this process.

    Update on free tutoring, Clubs and ELP:  We will begin all before and after school ELP on September 3rd with the exception of Band which starts this week.  The full ELP schedule will be shared next weekend.  I have attached an informational flier for Robitics and STEM club which begins on September 5th.  In addition, there will be informational meetings for students interested in joining the Leadership Club at OMS this Tuesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 29th. The brief meetings will occur before school at 9:20 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. so students interested can pick which option works best. During this meeting, we will discuss the sign-ups, purpose, events, and student-membership expectations. If attendance to one of the meetings is not possible this week, find a time during the school week to speak with Mr. Willey about joining the club and you can pick up an application form in your grade level office.

    As our OMS Fundraiser is in its second week, thanks to those who are participating in this important fundraiser for our school. Thank you to all our families for making this program a huge success! Our staff and students appreciate you!  It is not too late to participate if your child has not already. If you would like to donate yourself, there is still time. Just click on this link:


    If you would prefer to just make a donation instead, please turn in cash and check donations in an envelope with the student's name on it to the main office by Tuesday, Sep. 3. Please make checks payable to Osceola Middle School.  Students who collect $50 or more in donations qualify for the BEST DAY EVER & DJ DANCE PARTY at OMS.

    Families that enter at least 10 or more contacts will qualify for the Disney Family Vacation awarded nationally!

    Last, our PBIS focus of the week will Respectful.  This means making sure to have positive interactions and support each other as we are all an OMS family.  Our Fun Friday Tee is this Friday is to wear an AVID or college shirt of any university of choice as it is National AVID Day.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you Chief parents for your support and have a great weekend!

    Looking Ahead:

    8/28/24 – SAC and PTSA @ 5:30

    9/02/24 – Labor Day – No School

    9/04/24 – Picture Day

    9/10/24 – FAST Reading PM1 begins for some students. Full schedule will be shared next week

    9/17/24 – FAST Math PM1 begins for some students. Full schedule will be shared next week

    9/23/24 – Professional Development Day – No school for students

    In case you missed it:

    OMS has a food pantry and we would like to start stocking the shelves.  All nonperishable food items are greatly appreciated.  We provide meals for families during the holiday breaks.  Donations can be dropped off in the front office in the box.  If you or anyone else needs food please contact Michelle Shepard, shepard@pcsb.org any time throughout the year for assistance.

    We are going to open a clothing closet for students and families.  If you have any gently used clothes both in and out of dress code, and all sizes, we would greatly appreciate those donations.  We are also looking for personal hygiene products.  If you have any questions about our clothing closet, please contact Kristie King at kingkrist@pcsb.org.





    The Dojo Martial Arts.jpg 

    Boy Scouts 371Fliers.pptx 

    Focus Parent QR Code Help.pdf 

    Parent Update for the Week of 8/19/24

    Good afternoon Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun your weekly updates.

    First off, I want to thank everyone students, staff, parents, and guardians for a great start to our school year.  Parents, thank you so much for making sure your child was prepared for that first day. I was very impressed by seeing nearly all of our students arrive with their school wide binders and in compliance with our modified dress code.  It was also great to see the excitement on all of our student’s faces and our new Chiefs adjust to our processes so quickly.  I want to also thank everyone for your patience in the carline especially in the afternoon and for not using 94th Avenue in front of the school as we do not ever want a situation where students cross the street in front of traffic and around our buses.

    Congratulations to the 7th grade for winning the Spirit Stick for having the best participation in wearing their class colors and earning points in the pep rally competitions.  As a result, they will earn a “dress down day” next Friday August 23rd where they are allowed to wear shirts with appropriate print of their choice on them and any shorts that are to the knees (athletic but not form fitting or tears) for the day.  Also on Friday will be our Friday Fun Tee theme of Hometown Spirit so all students can wear a Tampa Bay Sports team shirt that day.

    Looking to the week ahead, Monday our 7th graders will be issued laptops during social studies classes as long as the parent forms are completed on parent focus.  6th graders will get theirs Wednesday, so it is important to have laptop case/binder for your child to keep their laptop protected.  Also this week, we will have our OMS Fundraiser kickoff Tuesday morning during 2nd period.

    Also on Tuesday 8/20 and Thursday 8/22 there will be two options for an informational meeting for boys and girls interested in joining the cross-country team at OMS. The meetings will occur after school at 4:15 to 4:45, with your parent or guardian to pick you up by 5:00 p.m. During this meeting, we will discuss paperwork, practice after school, county meets, and student-athlete expectations. If organizing transportation after school is not possible this week, students stop by Mr. Willey’s classroom 5-227 during this school week to speak with him about joining the team.

    On Thursday evening I hope you all can join us for our OMS Back to School Night which begins at 5:30pm sharp.  Gates open at 5pm and all families are expected to be in your child’s first period class by the 5:30 bell.  We will rotate through all 7 periods which will last 13 minutes just to learn briefly about what your child will learn and the expectations of each class and meet each teacher. Our night will conclude at the 7:30 dismissal bell.

    OMS has a food pantry and we would like to start stocking the shelves.  All nonperishable food items are greatly appreciated.  We provide meals for families during the holiday breaks.  Donations can be dropped off in the front office in the box.  If you or anyone else needs food please contact Michelle Shepard, shepard@pcsb.org any time throughout the year for assistance.

    We are going to open a clothing closet for students and families.  If you have any gently used clothes both in and out of dress code, and all sizes, we would greatly appreciate those donations.  We are also looking for personal hygiene products.  If you have any questions about our clothing closet, please contact Kristie King at kingkrist@pcsb.org.

    Thank you for a great pep rally on Friday.  Parents we want to encourage you to call ahead to pick up your child for any appointments.  If your child does not want to stay for the pep rallies that we have during the year, we are asking that you call the grade level office by 1pm to let them know what time you will be picking up.  This helps to not have to look for your child in the gym with all the other students.  Please also be aware that we have quiet rooms for students who don’t like the loud noise to go to. 

    Last, as part of our PBIS program, each week we focus on one of our three guidelines for success which next week we will start with being Responsible.  This means making sure we bring our materials to class, be on time to each class, and making sure electronic are put away and laptops fully charged.  Also, each Friday we have what is called a Fun Friday Tee Day where we allow a specific shirt on that day if a student chooses to participate.  Our first Fun Friday Tee is this Friday and all students are allowed to wear a college shirt of any university of choice.  Parents, I have attached a few community fliers that are not affiliated with Pinellas County Schools but was asked to share in case you are looking for extra activities for your child to participate in.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you Chief parents for your support and have a great weekend!

    Looking Ahead:

    8/19/24 – Laptop Distribution (7th grade) in Social Studies classes

    8/20/24 – OMS Fundraiser Kickoff in all 2nd period classes

    8/21/24 – Laptop Distribution (6th grade) in Social Studies classes

    8/22/24 – Back to School Night 5:30-7:30 (I hope to see all families there!)

    8/28/24 – SAC and PTSA @ 5:30

    9/02/24 – Labor Day – No School

    9/04/24 – Picture Day



    Hello Chiefs!

    We are excited to offer a way to give back to Osceola Middle School!  Soon, we will kick off an event to help raise funds that will benefit all our students and staff. This program will help with funding for resources to support student and teacher appreciation, PBIS and enrichment. 

    Here are a few things to note about our upcoming program:

    • This program will be extremely easy for you. It only requires about 10 minutes of your time.
    • Your students can earn great rewards just for their effort. No money is needed!
    • This is an online, donation-based fundraiser, and the email and text message donation requests can go to people you know anywhere in the world.

    Students will bring home more information after our Launch Party presentation next week. Please help your student register and complete the Golden Ticket assignment that very night! All students who complete the Golden Ticket assignment will receive fun PRIZES.  We will also have an awesome Week of WOW drawings, including Gift Cards and prizes.  All families that enter at least 10 or more contacts will qualify for the Disney Family Vacation that will be awarded nationally!

    If you want to get started now, click on this link to register:


    I will be sending more emails throughout the program. Thank you in advance for your support!

    In Case you missed it:

    Parents, make sure you log into focus and complete those back-to-school forms if you have not already. This is needed for students to receive their laptops.  Learn more at PCSB dot org slash Back to School (http://www.pcsb.org/backtoschool ). If you have questions about the forms or your login information, please contact our school. If you need technical support, contact the PCS Help Desk at 727-588-6060. If you have not created or need to update your parent focus account, please visit https://focus.pcsb.org/focus .  Most parent questions can be answered at http://www.pcsb.org/focusinfo .

    The Tampa Bay Rays are again offering discounted tickets to students, staff, and their families as part of 2024 Fall Pinellas County School’s Spirit night with the Rays. This year the Pinellas County School’s night is Sunday, September 22nd, at 1:40 pm, vs. the Toronto Blue Jays.  Tickets will be offered for $25 (up to $70 value) in the following seating categories in the Lower Level while supplies last: Lower Box and Lower Reserved.  

    This year we are using a link for the parents and staff to go in and purchase their own tickets!  The District link is: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/pinellasspring2024

    Parents of bus riders, I would highly recommend you sign up for the bus bulletin at www.pcsb.org/busbulletin and keep an eye out for updates.


    Hola Familias-

    Estamos emocionados de ofrecer una manera de retribuir a Osceola Middle School!  Pronto, iniciaremos un evento para ayudar a recaudar fondos que beneficiarán a todos nuestros estudiantes y personal. Este programa ayudará a financiar programas esenciales que actualmente no se financian a través de medios tradicionales.

    Aquí hay algunas cosas a tener en cuenta sobre nuestro próximo programa:

    • Este programa será extremadamente fácil para ti. Solo requiere unos 10 minutos de su tiempo.
    • Sus estudiantes pueden ganar grandes recompensas solo por su esfuerzo. ¡No se requiere dinero!
    • Esta es una recaudación de fondos en línea basada en donaciones, y las solicitudes de donación por correo electrónico y mensaje de texto pueden ir a personas que conoce en cualquier parte del mundo.

    Los estudiantes traerán a casa más información después de nuestra presentación en la Fiesta de Lanzamiento la próxima semana. ¡Por favor, ayude a su estudiante a registrarse y completar la tarea del Boleto Dorado esa misma noche! Todos los estudiantes que completen la tarea del Boleto Dorado recibirán divertidos PREMIOS. También tendremos una increíble semana de sorteos WOW, que incluyen tarjetas de regalo y premios. ¡Todas las familias que ingresen al menos 10 o más contactos calificarán para las Vacaciones Familiares de Disney que se otorgarán a nivel nacional!

    Si quieres empezar ahora, haz clic en este enlace para registrarte:


    Enviaré más correos electrónicos a lo largo del programa. Gracias de antemano por su apoyo!