Head Lice

    • Head lice live on the human head and lay eggs called nits, which stick to the hair.
    • Head lice can crawl very fast, but they don't jump or fly from head to head.
    • Head lice is a nuisance but not a health risk.
    • Encourage your child not to share combs, hats, or other clothing with other children and check your child's head on a regular basis (for instance, every Sunday evening).
    • Pinellas County Schools has a "no-nit" policy.  Anyone with live lice or nits will be sent home from school until all nits and lice are removed.
    • Use a commercial product obtained from your doctor or local drug store that is designed to get rid of head lice.
    • Be sure to follow the directions carefully.  Don't overuse the products.  For advice on alternative treatments, consult your medical provider.
    • Find and remove all eggs (nits) from the hair.  (Flea combs used for pets work very well, or you can remove nits by hand).
    • Check your child's head every day for 2 weeks to be sure no eggs were missed.
    • Check all members of the family or household and treat only those members affected.
    • Wash the linens and bedding in hot water and dry thoroughly.
    • Vacuum carpets, pillows, mattresses, upholstered furniture and car seats.
    • Place pillows and stuffed animals used by your child into a hot dryer for 10 minutes, or in a tightly closed bag for 2 weeks.
    • Soak brushes, combs and other hair objects in 130 degree water for at least 10 minutes.