Healthcare Bluebook

  • Healthcare Bluebook is a free online and mobile resource provided to employees and their dependents enrolled in the PCS Health Insurance Plan. Healthcare Bluebook can help you find high-quality medical care at the best cost. Plus, for some procedures, you may earn cash rewards of $$, for using a Fair Price Provider/Facility.

    By using Healthcare Bluebook, you may save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on care by having your doctor perform tests and services at cost-effective facilities.

    Let’s get started!
    Log onto the PCS Healthcare Bluebook website at to look up a Fair Price Provider/Facility. (Company Code: PCSB)

    Compare provider/facility prices and find the best value in your area.  
    Cost Comparison: Know Before You Go  (New)

    Add the HealthCare Bluebook App to do a quick search:
    Healthcare Bluebook Mobile App
    90 second Quick Course on using the Mobile App

     Question As long as I stay In-Network, I get the best price, right? 
    Wrong. In-network prices can vary by hundreds or thousands of dollars. For example, if your primary care physician says you need an arm x-ray, in-network pricing can vary by hundreds or thousands of dollars.

    Question When my doctor orders a test for me, I have to go where I am referred. 
    Wrong. There are procedures that can be performed in different locations, with no loss in quality, for a much lower cost. These are routine procedures like MRIs, X-rays, colonoscopies and CT Scans. 

    Depending on the location, an MRI can cost as little as $600 or as much as $5000+

    • Wouldn’t you drive a few miles to save a few thousand dollars? You have the choice about where to get care - make sure you’re getting the best value.

     question How do I get a referral to a Fair Price™ facility? 
    Download the Healthcare Bluebook mobile app and you can shop for prices and locations while you are with your doctor. Together, you can decide which location fits both your budget and your medical situation.

    question What is Go Green to Get Green? 
    Go Green to Get Green Rewards provides cash rewards for employees who use Healthcare Bluebook to shop for Fair Price Providers/Facilities for specific procedures.

    question How do I earn Go Green to Get Green Rewards?
    Rewards are already built into the Healthcare Bluebook system – there are no additional forms to submit to be eligible for the rewards. You can earn rewards simply by visiting green providers/facilities for rewards-eligible services or calling the toll-free support line at 1-888-316-1824.

    Eligible Services

    Here are the eligible services and the reward amounts. Additional information about qualifying procedures and reward amounts can be found by logging on to Healthcare Bluebook.  

    Eligible Procedures

    Cash Reward

    Bone Density Scan


    Breast Biopsy (with steriotactic or ultrasound guidance)


    Carpal Tunnel Surgery


    Cataract Surgery


    Cholecystectomy (laproscopic)




    Complex Ear Drum Repair (tympanoplasty)




    Ear Tube Placement (Tumpanostomy)


    Heart Perfusion Imaging






    Mammogram Screening




    Nasal Septum Repair


    Non-Obstetric Ultrasound


    OP Elbow Surgery (arthroscopic)


    OP Hip Surgery (arthroscopic)


    OP Knee Surgery (arthroscopic)


    OP Shoulder Surgery (arthroscopic)


    Removal of Adenoids


    Sleep Study




    Upper GI Endoscopy (with and without biopsy)



     question Do I need to submit any forms to be eligible for a reward?
    No. You are eligible for a reward simply by searching for the procedure on the HCBB website or contacting the HCBB toll-free number.  Once you receive services from a green provider/facility for the procedure, Healthcare Bluebook will process your reward if the procedure has been determined to be eligible for rewards.

    question Is my health information kept private? 
    Healthcare Bluebook does not share information about individual employees, or the services received by your employer. All health care information is kept confidential.

    question How will I receive my reward? How long does it take?  
    Rewards are processed on a bimonthly basis and will be sent to the address on file with your employer. A letter of explanation will accompany the reward.

    question Are my family members eligible to receive rewards? 
    Rewards are paid to the employee but family members who are participating in the health plan can also earn rewards.

     question Can I earn multiple rewards? 
    You may receive multiple rewards for procedures done on the same day. For example, if you had a tonsillectomy and removal of adenoids, you would receive two separate rewards for using a high-value provider/facility.

    For additional information and Frequently Asked Questions, Click Here. 

    What are you waiting for?
    Visit  to get started!
    Health Care Blue Book PriceFinder Support Number is 888-316-1824